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"Infallibility of divine metaphysics ... demonstrated"
WHY does not Christian Science heal me?" is a question not infrequently asked. "Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't. Why is that?" was the way a Sunday school pupil put it. By turning to Mrs. Eddy's writings for the answer we find on page 330 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" that she writes, "When the following platform is understood and the letter and the spirit bear witness, the infallibility of divine metaphysics will be demonstrated." The language is clear and leaves no room for doubt—"the infallibility of divine metaphysics will be demonstrated." But when? Just as soon as the "platform is understood and the letter and the spirit bear witness." Self-evidently this must be an ever present possibility, irrespective of time, and accompanying individual realization of the infinite goodness and power of God.
This "platform," then, assumes new importance to the one who seeks a satisfying answer to the question, Why is my healing delayed? A platform made up of but thirty-two planks, and covering barely eleven pages in the Christian Science textbook! Yet we are told that once it is understood, "the infallibility of divine metaphysics will be demonstrated." In these pages our Leader has placed within reach of human consciousness the truths that it is necessary to understand in order for one to prove "the infallibility of divine metaphysics" in the healing of every ill.
It remains for the individual student to search out for himself the truths contained in the teachings of Christian Science. How? Mrs. Eddy answers this too; for on page 495 of Science and Health she advises her followers to "study thoroughly the letter and imbibe the spirit." There is nothing irksome in this effort. The childlike thought readily grasps the truth. The paragraph quoted above from page 330 of Science and Health satisfied the Sunday school pupil that in any case of protracted or incomplete healing more understanding of Christian Science is needed; more study and more steadfast reliance on God; more faithful affirmation of the healing truth, and more denial of error. And when a physical disorder later on assailed him, he applied his newly gained understanding; and it stood the test. Instead of complaining because he was not permitted to go out to play, he took Science and Health, understood what he read, quickly recovered, and was permitted to rejoin his playmates. He said that he had become so interested in reading affirmations of truth and denials of error that he forgot about the cold, and it left him. There was no sense of a difficult task laboriously accomplished, and the "infallibility of divine metaphysics" had in a degree been demonstrated by this child.
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October 19, 1929 issue
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Daily Sowing and Daily Reaping
Work and Supply
Finding Good
Renewing Our Strength
"Infallibility of divine metaphysics ... demonstrated"
The Beauty of Wealth
In the Telegraph of December 4 is a letter dealing with...
Miss Edith L. Thomson, Committee on Publication for Queensland, Australia,
Christian Science healing is complete and lasting—not...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
According to your synopsis of a sermon recently delivered...
Ralph W. Still, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
Undoubtedly the religion which has gained more than...
Oscar Graham Peeke, Committee on Publication for the State of Missouri,
It is true that to the so-called carnal mind which has no...
Kellogg Patton, Committee on Publication for the State of Wisconsin,
In your "As It Appears to the Cavalier" column of June...
Richard E. Prince, Committee on Publication for the State of Virginia,
Your issue of the seventh instant contains a report of a...
William Kenneth Primrose, Assistant to the District Committee on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
Songs in the Night
Safe Literature
Albert F. Gilmore
Christian Science Reading Rooms
Duncan Sinclair
Using What We Know
Violet Ker Seymer
I took up the study of Christian Science for physical...
Bessie E. Rayner
To the Christian Science Sunday School, which early...
Amy Dorothea Davison
About seven years ago I felt I was the most unhappy...
Hermina D. J. Haan
For several years I suffered from constipation
Charles E. Kohte
From early childhood I was considered delicate, and...
Helen B. Pietz
It is with sincere gratitude and the hope that this testimony...
Elizabeth S. Bandini
I first heard of Christian Science twenty-one years ago,...
Florence Mable Tanner
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Hoover, James H. Bennett, Ernest H. Cherrington, Arthur D. Bevan