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On the Handling of Error
On page 334 of "Miscellaneous Writings" Mrs. Eddy answers the question, "Why do Christian Scientists treat disease as disease, since there is no disease?" in these words: "This is done only as one gives the lie to a lie; because it is a lie, without one word of Truth in it. You must find error to be nothing: then, and only then, do you handle it in Science." This passage contains a message of great importance to all workers in Christian Science—the necessity, the paramount necessity, of knowing error to be nothing; for only as it is thus recognized is it scientifically handled.
The temptation, and likewise the tendency, commonly confronting Christian metaphysicians undoubtedly is to accept in some degree, at least, as real the false testimony presented by the so-called physical senses; and, accepting it thus, to believe that their work consists in transforming something which is imperfect into a state of perfection. This attitude leads directly away from true scientific practice, controverts our Leader's explicit teachings, and obstructs demonstration.
What is the remedy? To be positive in our understanding that there is no sick or discordant person to be healed; that is, no imperfect mortal to be made into a perfect mortal. Man, God's handiwork, is perfect now and perfect forever. When this fact is grasped in its fullness, healing is accomplished. When the spiritual truth is revealed, the error, whatever its claim as to form and nature, is destroyed. The temptation it seems, is very great to accept false sense testimony as true, to accept its presentments as reliable. Paul recognized this when he characterized the false claim about man, that he is mortal and material, as the old man, which is to be put off, discarded for the new; that is, for the newly revealed man, spiritual and perfect.
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April 28, 1928 issue
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"Onward, Christian soldiers"!
Love Thinks No Evil
Our Textbook
Love, the Basis of Right Thinking
"Shew unto man his uprightness"
"The beauty of holiness"
Will you please allow me to say in your columns, with...
Judge Clifford P.Smith, Committee on Publication of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
A bishop is apparently disturbed because Christian Science...
Stanley M. Sydenham, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
A recent issue reports a public address in which the...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
A recent issue of your paper contains an account of an...
W. Truman Green, Committee on Publication for the State of Florida,
A correspondent in a recent edition of your paper makes...
David A. Giel, Committee on Publication for Holland,
In a recent issue you graciously furnished space in the...
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois,
In a recent issue you published a sermon under the caption,...
Mrs. Annie I. Rembert, Committee on Publication for the State of South Carolina,
The Upward Path
On the Handling of Error
Albert F. Gilmore
Reliance on God
Duncan Sinclair
Divine Correction
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Samuel W. Greene, Olga Wilson
I have received many wonderful healings through the...
Andrew L. Weaver
With a heart full of gratitude I send this testimony of...
Marion Hopewell
To-day, as never before, my heart overflows with gratitude...
Fannye Early Bostic
In the year 1899 I was staying in the Adirondacks, under...
Lillian C. Empie
I did not come to Christian Science for physical healing...
Leora LaVerne Smith
Words seem inadequate to express my feeling of gratitude...
Eleanor Stanton with contributions from Francois de la Motte Fênelon
Signs of the Times
with contributions from James Douglas, Samuel A. Eliot, Minot C. Morgan