An article in the News by a clergyman contains the...


An article in the News by a clergyman contains the following statement: "In Christian Science we have, for instance, the same principle of the power of mind over matter which enabled the primitive witch doctor to cause the death of a man by pointing a bone at him." The writer of the article is unfortunate in his choice of a subject for his analogy, for Christian Science is entirely opposed to witchcraft, occultism, necromancy, or any of what he calls their modern counterparts, such as spiritualism, theosophy, or autosuggestion. Even a casual glance at the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, will reveal this fact. First, in regard to the statement quoted, the Principle of Christian Science is God. Evil is not Principle. Secondly, God is omnipotent. Therefore evil can have no power. Thirdly, Christian Science accepts the Bible teaching that the human or "carnal" mind is "enmity against God." The only Mind in Christian Science is the all-knowing, ever present God, "who healeth all thy diseases," and of whom it is said in Job, "Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace."

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