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The Stronghold
Mankind longs for a safe retreat, for a stronghold in which protection is assured. Every announcement of a "sure cure" for illness, lack, war, or fear is eagerly investigated, and relied on if it appears to be in the least way plausible. Relief may come; but only temporarily, if the basis of the panacea is material. The true and only method of healing which covers every phase of mortal need is the divine method; and it is not new.
God's law always has been and always will be available to meet the world's needs. Although this law is not new, very often it is the last thing to be tried by matter-seeking humanity. Speaking of this in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mary Baker Eddy says (p. 427): "Called to the bed of death, what material remedy has man when all such remedies have failed? Spirit is his last resort, but it should have been his first and only resort." Suffering is never of value, unless it shows the utter helplessness of all material methods of relief. Then man's extremity is proved to be God's opportunity; for God's law of Christian Science, rightly applied, destroys the sense of suffering. He who has thus seen the light of Truth, if wise, will not go back again into darkness, but will study the more earnestly to understand and put into practice the rules of the Science whereby he was healed.
The Christian Scientist's stronghold is thus present with him wherever he may be. But just as it would be necessary for him to put his hand trustingly in that of his rescuer had he fallen over a ledge on the side of a mountain, so must the Scientist make the effort to reach up to his heavenly Father for help, and get a strong hold on that never failing right hand of omnipotence. And, oh, how he should strive to cling to it always! He may stumble and fall many times in his climb heavenward, for the pitfalls and dangers seem to be numerous; but always available is that helping hand, waiting to aid the pilgrim on his way! The "strong hold" that Christian Science gives its followers, the hold on the power that is irresistible and omniactive, is the understanding that God is Love and does meet all our needs; that God, good, guides, guards, and governs.
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November 17, 1928 issue
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Being a Law to Ourselves
"The battle is not your's"
Nearness to God
Step by Step
The Stronghold
"Infinite resources"
Autumn Foliage
Mr. Arthur Brisbane was neither correct nor just when he...
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston,
Under the heading, "The Crisis in the Church," your...
Mrs. Mary Blanch Jones, Committee on Publication for Gloucestershire, England,
I quite agree with the Englishman who was quoted in a...
Ralph B. Textor, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
There are many hostile writings and false reports about...
Paul Gassner, Committee on Publication for Germany,
Thank you for the recognition in one of your recent...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Judging from the lecture recently given by a doctor on...
Miss Madge Bell, Committee on Publication for the North Island of New Zealand,
Healing in Christian Science does not occur as the result...
Kellogg Patton, Committee on Publication for the State of Wisconsin,
Profitable Tribulations
Albert F. Gilmore
Divine Protection
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Herman P. Thomas, Violet H. Wynch, Elmer E. Davis, Ralph B. Scholfield, Jeanette E. McDannel, Elizabeth F. Waldron
I want to express my gratitude for the many blessings...
Margaret A. Salmen
In grateful recognition of benefits received through...
Aileen Matthiesen
On August 30, 1923, while driving with an acquaintance,...
Henry C. Ruenholl
Signs of the Times
with contributions from W. Russell Bowie, G. A. Studdart Kennedy, Delany, Frederick J. Gould