"Infinite resources"

Until its nature is exposed in Christian Science, the sense of poverty brings a chilling thought of fear to many a heart. The undue contemplation of this condition has caused many to worry, and to become so discouraged that the condition feared has been manifested in daily living. All that is needed to overcome this unwholesome false belief is a full and correct understanding of the real man's true resources. A dictionary gives the meaning of poverty as "lack of resources." Poverty, then, may be said to be a belief that one's resources can be so depleted that replenishment is well-nigh impossible. Mankind has for long believed this lie to be true, and believing it, has endued it with power. It was left to our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, so to refute this lie as to enable all who will to win freedom for themselves and others from this unreal condition. On page 60 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" she says, "Soul has infinite resources with which to bless mankind, and happiness would be more readily attained and would be more secure in our keeping, if sought in Soul."

The way to overcome any phase of lack is to turn to Soul, God, who is waiting to help us from His "infinite resources." According to a dictionary, the word "resource" means that "on which one depends for supply or support." Perhaps we have been depending solely on matter for supply or support, on that which is but a counterfeit of the spiritual and real. We would not attempt to pass a counterfeit dollar for the purchase of food. Rather would we use one that was genuine to purchase the needed supplies; and we would destroy the false coin, that another might not be deceived by it.

A verse in Proverbs reads, "Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty; open thine eyes, and thou shalt be satisfied with bread." It is when we are mentally asleep that we are mentally poor. Poverty is only poor thinking manifested. As we open our consciousness to the constant contemplation of real, unimpeachable riches, only good can enter experience. We are in reality, each and every one of us, the children of God, the Father. No loving human parent will withhold from his children that which he has to give. How much more freely will our heavenly Father-Mother God give all good to those who seek first the heavenly kingdom!

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Autumn Foliage
November 17, 1928

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