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Nearness to God
"Nearness, " as defined by a dictionary, means "state or quality of being near; closely akin or related to; not distant (place or degree)." The nearness of the real man to God is inevitable, on account of the very nature of the relationship between God and man as divine Principle and spiritual idea. The Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, makes it clear that man is the reflection of God, the perfect expression of God. Thus, through reflection, man is one with God, as the ray of light is one with the sun. This unity with God, this at-one-ment of man with the Father, constitutes man's divine sonship, and shows how "closely akin or related to" his Father-Mother God is man, the perfect child of God. God is consequently very near. He is always present, because He is infinite, boundless, immeasurable. Therefore, God cannot for an instant be separated from His idea, man; He can never be absent from His creation or idea.
As we gain the understanding of man's true relationship to God, there comes the realization of our spiritual oneness with God. It is our ignorance of what God is, and what our relationship to Him is; it is the error of believing in many gods, of not ascribing power to God alone, that seems to separate us from the Father. Mrs. Eddy writes on page 596 of Science and Health, "Paganism and agnosticism may define Deity as 'the great unknowable;' but Christian Science brings God much nearer to man, and makes Him better known as the All-in-all, forever near."
Nearness to God is realized in proportion as our ignorance of God and His relationship to His idea, man, is supplanted with understanding. As we give up materiality, or belief in matter, and "have no other Mind but His,—no other Love, wisdom, or Truth, no other sense of Life, and no consciousness of the existence of matter or error" (Science and Health, p. 206); as we obey His commandments and love Him with all our soul and all our mind, we consciously come near to Him.
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November 17, 1928 issue
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Being a Law to Ourselves
"The battle is not your's"
Nearness to God
Step by Step
The Stronghold
"Infinite resources"
Autumn Foliage
Mr. Arthur Brisbane was neither correct nor just when he...
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston,
Under the heading, "The Crisis in the Church," your...
Mrs. Mary Blanch Jones, Committee on Publication for Gloucestershire, England,
I quite agree with the Englishman who was quoted in a...
Ralph B. Textor, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
There are many hostile writings and false reports about...
Paul Gassner, Committee on Publication for Germany,
Thank you for the recognition in one of your recent...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Judging from the lecture recently given by a doctor on...
Miss Madge Bell, Committee on Publication for the North Island of New Zealand,
Healing in Christian Science does not occur as the result...
Kellogg Patton, Committee on Publication for the State of Wisconsin,
Profitable Tribulations
Albert F. Gilmore
Divine Protection
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Herman P. Thomas, Violet H. Wynch, Elmer E. Davis, Ralph B. Scholfield, Jeanette E. McDannel, Elizabeth F. Waldron
I want to express my gratitude for the many blessings...
Margaret A. Salmen
In grateful recognition of benefits received through...
Aileen Matthiesen
On August 30, 1923, while driving with an acquaintance,...
Henry C. Ruenholl
Signs of the Times
with contributions from W. Russell Bowie, G. A. Studdart Kennedy, Delany, Frederick J. Gould