many rejoice in the healing which Christian Science brings, not infrequently the student despairingly asks, "Why do I have so many problems to solve?
student who is just awakening to the truths of Christian Science often gropes blindly about for a way in which to make these truths practical; that is, he wonders just how the Christian Scientist should work, or what constitutes a Christian Science treatment.
A party
of Christian Scientists, motoring several hundred miles to Boston on a visit to The Mother Church, were continuously grateful for the well-marked route, posted at frequent intervals with signs containing specific information, which when followed led inevitably to the ultimate destination.
thought it necessary to remind Timothy that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
Ralph G. Lindstrom, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado, in the
In order that your readers may be correctly informed, the courtesy of sufficient space to make brief answer to some of the criticisms of Christian Science by a clergyman, as printed in his letter in your recent issue, is respectfully requested.
Miss Kathleen O'Connor, Committee on Publication for Somersetshire, England, in the
In the report of the meeting of the British Israel World Federation in your recent issue, the chairman is quoted as follows: "With British Israel Christ was all in all, but in the case of the other two [philosophy and Christian Science], one ignored him altogether and the other.
Arthur E. Blainey, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Canada, in the
I would not like to think that the letter in the Sentinel of recent date headed "Christian Science and Religion" was written by a member of the great Orange Order, an organization which has so valiantly stood for religious freedom and which has so courageously and consistently opposed intolerance.
Ralph B. Textor, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio, in the
One could hardly believe that you expected your readers to take seriously the suggestion, made in a recent editorial of the Democrat, that Christian Scientists are involved in any effort to pass laws which would compel all to attend their church or observe their religious tenets.
with contributions from Carl E. Parsons, Charles Oscar Manspeaker, Clara B. Dickson, Joseph Raymond, Hildur Lothner, Helen F. R. Edwards, Marian J. Turner
Introductions to Lectures Winchendon, Massachusetts.
To insure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada, at least four weeks before the date of the lecture; in Great Britain and Ireland, at least five weeks before; in other European countries, at least eight weeks before.
Having just completed a university course, I feel particular gratitude for the inspiration and guidance I have received through Christian Science during my school life, especially in the last two years' work, which was taken under certain disadvantages after a lapse of a few years since graduation from a normal school.
Monroe J. Tharp
with contributions from Ross J. Tharp, Ethel B. Tharp
Two years ago, when I was a boy of fifteen, Christian Science was presented to me by a dear friend at a time when the best doctors had pronounced my case a hopeless one.
I have been interested in Christian Science about five years now, and am grateful for all the blessings, healings, and peace it has brought to my home.
About thirteen years ago I became a student in the Christian Science Sunday School, and the replacement of erroneous thinking with the true knowledge of Life, of God and His idea, man, as taught in the Sunday school, has enabled me to overcome and dispense with a sense of nerves and its accompanying disorders.
Olive Van Sickle
with contributions from F. R. Havergal
I am so thankful to God, who heals all our diseases, also to our dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for giving us the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
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with contributions from Carl E. Parsons, Charles Oscar Manspeaker, Clara B. Dickson, Joseph Raymond, Hildur Lothner, Helen F. R. Edwards, Marian J. Turner