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How frequently in our periodicals and Wednesday evening meetings, as well as in our conversations with others, we learn of many beautiful experiences of instantaneous healing through Christian Science! On the other hand, we may hear of an equally large number of instances where the healing has been slow, or seemingly withheld altogether, so that little or no progress has become apparent in the overcoming of sin or disease. At such times, and in such cases, human thought encumbered with the ills of the flesh, beclouded with the sensuousness of materiality, or burdened with a load of sorrow or care, is apt to be slow in responding to the healing touch of the Christ, Truth, and the tendency to murmur and to question, Why? causes much valuable time to be lost. Self-pity, self-will, self-condemnation, disobedience, resentment, anger, hatred, jealousy, or fear may fill one with despair; but even in the midst of these conditions there is always an open way of escape, the way of persistent right thinking.
Someone has very aptly said, "There is no failure save in giving up;" and a large number of our seeming failures to demonstrate the truths of Christian Science can be turned into glorious victories by persisting just a little longer in denying to evil the place and power which it claims to possess. When we are wholly mindful of "the power that worketh in us," nothing can dissuade us from our purpose, or withhold the victory that rightly belongs to us. It makes no difference what the claim may be, how long the siege has been going on, or how desperate the struggle, the fact remains that evil is powerless, and when persistently opposed by the truth must yield in complete surrender. Seldom, however, is this done without some degree of opposition; for the devil "knoweth that he hath but a short time," and so would fain accomplish his purpose by reversing the truth in suggesting failure and proclaiming evil the victor. Such a declaration is in reality equivalent to an acknowledgment of defeat; so that then is the time to go forward with greater courage and renewed persistency and, giving no quarter to evil, clear the field of the enemy.
A very good illustration of the successful use of this method of warfare against error is found in the story of Jacob's struggle at Peniel. Jacob had done a great wrong to his brother Esau, and in turn Esau had hated his brother and determined to take his life. After many years, Jacob yearned to be at peace with Esau, to be forgiven by him and, if possible, make a recompense for the wrong done to him. Consequently, he sent messengers to Esau, and these, returning, reported that Esau was on his way to meet Jacob.
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April 30, 1927 issue
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We Have No Enemies
"As birds flying"
"Onward, Christian soldiers"
Angel Visitants
The True Church
I shall be grateful to have you convey through your columns...
Edgar G. Gyger, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
A writer in your recent issue, with a strong medical bias,...
Edgar McLeod, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
A recent issue of your paper contains an article by Harald...
Miss Fredrikke Lie, Committee on Publication for Norway,
In an article in a recent issue of your paper, entitled "Hits...
Kellogg Patton, Committee on Publication for the State of Wisconsin,
In the medical notes entitled "Health and Home," in...
Charles M. Shaw, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
Please accept the following statement of fact pertaining...
Charles W. Hale, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
A statement in a sermon recently delivered at the New...
Samuel Greenwood, Committee on Publication for the Province of British Columbia, Canada,
The Star
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God"
Albert F. Gilmore
Ella W. Hoag
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Dr. Cornelia G. H. Japikse, Irene M. Gilchrist, Janet Armstrong, Harriet S. Vincent
I should like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude...
Alice D. Hendrickson with contributions from Lillian A. Ricker, Henry R. Hill
I have hesitated to give my testimony and to let my lips...
Nelle R. Campbell
So many wonderful blessings have come into my life...
Mary Clarke Quinn
A desire to know how to pray and to know God led me to...
Lillian C. Davis
In August, several years ago, a year after my marriage, I...
Ruth Chisholm Rowe
Christian Science was introduced to me shortly after I...
Madeleine Sohier
My Prayer
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Edward Bok, C. C. Rarick