Kindly allow me to comment in your esteemed columns...

Danville Morning Press

Kindly allow me to comment in your esteemed columns by reason of misstatements about Christian Science and ridicule of its Founder, published in your recent issue under the heading "Communications." It is regrettable that a minister of the gospel should lower the dignity of his good profession by voicing displeasure in so displeasure a manner, because of remarks made by a Christian Science lecturer. What this preacher said about Christian Science reveals such gross ignorance of the subject that I surmise the intelligent readers of the Morning Press will attach but small importance to this attack by a member of one denomination upon another. Critics of Christian Science accomplish nothing when they refer to our religion as "Eddyism," except possibly to give publicity to their own shortcomings. The reading public has long since acknowledged the right of Christian Science to stand among the great religious movements of our time, and its name, Christian Science, and that of its Discoverer, Founder, and Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, cannot be confounded by the use of scorn and hostility. The writer under discussion denies the power of Christian Science to cure aught but disorders which, as he intimates, drugs "could cure in a short time." He inquires, "Can they heal a compound fracture of the skull, spinal column, et cetera?" If he will take time to scan the columns containing testimonies of healing, monthly in The Christian Science Journal, and weekly in the Christian Science Sentinel, he will find authenticated cures of even more serious complications.

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