Overcoming Depression

The so-called carnal or human mind is prone to adopt radical positions. It swings between extremes of exultation and depression, neither of which affords a basis of permanency and peace. Having its seeming source not in Truth but falsity, mortal mind partakes of no quality of reality; hence, has no sure foundation. One phase of its falsity is to magnify itself as something existent of and because of itself, hence endowing itself with creative powers; under another phase, it becomes depressed through a belief in its own lack of stability and reality, resulting in a sense of burden and discouragement. From this experience it concludes that, after all, life is highly unsatisfactory, tending only to disaster and oblivion. Job contemplated something of this gloomy picture, but he had the stamina and reasoning faculty which enabled him to carry through the slough of despond to the solid ground of spiritual conviction, where he found both peace and plenty. The tendency of mortals to become depressed is very common; and unless one knows that there is a remedy at hand and applies it, it brings days of sorrow and sadness, of lowering clouds and discouragement, in which there is no joyous sunshine.

Christian Scientists find in the teachings of Mrs. Eddy ample proof of the continuous perfection and permanence of divine Life and its expression, man. Thus they learn to rejoice in the affluence of God. Depression, it may be said, always has the basis of selfishness; that is to say, it results from a belief of self apart from God. This mental attitude breaks the First Commandment, for it seems to give power to something besides God, to some phase of evil, and thus entails the punishment of the disobedient. The unreal becomes enthroned as reality, and human thought finds it has builded a house of horrors in which to torture and plague itself. How common this experience, and how devoid of any satisfactory results!

Christian Scientists have learned of a complete and lasting remedy, which is instantaneous if it be applied according to directions. What is it? Mrs. Eddy answers this query briefly and conclusively in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 420). "The fact that Truth overcomes both disease and sin reassures depressed hope," she declares. Could anything be more definite? Truth does overcome both sin and disease,—in fact, every phase of false thinking which mortals accept as reality. The fact that God is All, infinite, and that in consequence evil, whatever its claim or guise, possesses no slightest scintilla of truth, is a sound basis upon which to build the structure of faith, hope, and understanding, in which depression has no tenancy. Depression has no place where God is known as infinite Love.

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Defense against Evil
September 13, 1924

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