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In your paper appears the report of a sermon in which...
Eastern Standard
In your paper appears the report of a sermon in which Christian Science was "denounced" as one of the "False Religions of To-day." In fairness to your readers will you allow me briefly to state the case for Christian Science?
A dictionary definition of religion is "the performance of our duties of love and obedience to God." A "false religion" would thus be one which claimed to enable one to carry out these duties, but failed to do so.
Christian Science claims to be the Science, or exact and true knowledge, of Christianity, of the religion taught and practiced by Christ Jesus. In reply to the inquiry of John the Baptist if he really were God's messenger, Jesus cited the works that he did in healing the sick, raising the dead, and cleansing the lepers, as proofs of the correctness or truth of his teaching. His students carried on these works, sometimes called "miracles," which means "signs" of their spiritual understanding; and for about three centuries the test of Christianity, as expressed in Mark 16:17, 18, was recognized and proved. Ultimately these effects ceased, as creed and dogma took the place of the simplicity of the early Christian teaching. In the middle of the nineteenth century the divine Principle of spiritual healing was rediscovered by Mary Baker Eddy, and demonstrated in her instantaneous recovery from an accident which had been declared fatal by the attending physician. After a thorough demonstration of the truth she had found, Mrs. Eddy embodied her discovery, its rules and their application, in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Through the study of this book and the spiritual understanding gained therefrom, multitudes of people have been healed of sickness and disease, reclaimed from sinful habits, and practically raised from the deadness of materiality to newness of life in God. Mrs. Eddy subsequently founded The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, to "reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing" (Church Manual, p. 17); and branches of this church are now to be found in many of the important cities throughout the world. Every student of the Christian Science textbook finds that he has to study the Bible more closely, more prayerfully, and more obediently than he ever did before, and that he obtains satisfying results from his study of these two books as he puts into practice in daily life the spiritual truths he has learned from them, especially the two great commandments,—"Thou shalt have no other gods before me," and, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
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April 26, 1924 issue
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The Christian Science Sanatorium
Let Us Arise!
Principle among the Printing Presses
Song of the Lark
Overcoming the Belief of Old Age
In behalf of Christian Scientists, I wish to protest to...
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The Mother Church, Boston, Massachusetts,
Christian Science follows the admonition of Christ Jesus...
George Allison Holland, Committee on Publication for the State of Kentucky,
In your paper appears the report of a sermon in which...
Miss Ellen Graham, Committee on Publication for Lanarkshire, Scotland,
You gave an account of a meeting at which Christian Scientists...
Mrs. Elsie Ashwell, Committee on Publication for Warwickshire, England,
In the columns of your paper of recent date, there is a...
Fred B. Kerrick, Committee on Publication for the State of California,
If Christian Science were what its critics claim, it could...
W. Stuart Booth, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
Christian Science is the reinstatement, in this age, of...
William Kenneth Primrose, Assistant Committee on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland
Christian Science Practice
Albert F. Gilmore
Spiritual Understanding
Duncan Sinclair
"The name of the city"
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Charles Walter Marwedel, Florence Brink Alarco, Jacob C. Lane, Grace Cohen Gordon
For several years before turning to Christian Science for...
Elsie V. Abbot
My first thought of Christian Science was lightly impressed...
Horace E. Baldwin
With a heart filled with gratitude I wish to relate a healing...
Charlotte Sager
A few years ago I broke off a piece of one of my teeth,...
Cecil Harcourt
I have always enjoyed reading the testimonies, and...
Alice Elliott
I wish to add my testimony of gratitude for the many...
Mahlon M. Schildt with contributions from Harriet Schildt
I have had many beautiful healings in Christian Science,...
Mary Ann Thompson
I was not particularly ill when Christian Science was...
Elizabeth Oles
For many and continual blessings received through...
Berford Heafer
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Adolph Roeder, Herbert Dwight Ketcham, Robert Hopkins, Walter G. White, John Snape