Disease a Delusion

Christian Science is telling the world, in language which has not the slightest trace of ambiguity about it, that disease is a delusion. Unaware of the reasoning by which the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mrs. Eddy, arrived at this momentous fact, many are up in arms against it; and too often ridicule is poured upon Christian Science, which, although it was discovered only a little over half a century ago, has been of inestimable value in relieving human suffering. For Christian Science has healed a great multitude, scattered over the face of the earth, of diseases many of which had been pronounced incurable.

Now it serves no good purpose, indeed it is childish, to ridicule what is not understood. One would have thought the days for such a practice were over. Discoveries in the so-called physical realm have been so numerous of late,—many of them very wonderful,—and they have been accepted so approvingly by mankind, that hardly a skeptical word is heard about them. Instead, constant expectancy is everywhere manifested of still greater discoveries about to be made; and the last thing one expects to hear is ridicule of these discoveries or of those persons engaged in the research work which brings them about.

Why should discoveries not be expected and welcomed in the spiritual realm? The reason, very simply, is that mankind is on the whole deeply ignorant of this realm, although it has been a region of research and of discovery throughout long centuries. Mrs. Eddy found in the Bible a chronicle of the great truths which had been revealed or discovered about God and His creation, and abundant evidence of the working of spiritual law in the destruction of sin and disease. God was revealed to her there; and she saw that, being infinite and perfect, God and His creation or manifestation alone existed as reality. This understanding enabled her to conclude that all unlike God, good, has no real existence. In other words, Mrs. Eddy discovered that evil is a delusion; and as disease is part of the belief of evil, that disease is a delusion.

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Science and Health for the Blind
December 13, 1924

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