a wealth of tenderness is expressed by Christ Jesus, when, in the gospel of John, he refers to himself as the "good shepherd," and proceeds to portray how the shepherd watches over his flock.
Stanley M. Sydenham, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
To those who have not looked deeply into the teaching of Christian Science, who do not yet comprehend the nature of God as divine Mind, and have not experienced any of the wonderful results of the application of its divine Principle to false human beliefs, it may seem that the so-called human mind is used to bring about these results; but to Christian Scientists it is beyond question that it is the spirit of God—available at all times and under all circumstances—and the understanding and application of God's spiritual laws which produce these results.
Van Buren Perry, Committee on Publication for the State of South Dakota,
Christian Science practitioners do not personally attend known cases of disease subject to quarantine or isolation; nor is it necessary for them to do so.
Mrs. Alice T. Caruthers, Committee on Publication for the State of West Virginia,
Christian Science is the practice of healing through the truth, the method Jesus used and of which he spoke to his followers in the words, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Charles E. Heitman, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
The teachings and practice of Christian Science, as set forth in the writings of its Discoverer and Founder, Mary Baker Eddy, are directly the opposite of those employed in suggestive therapeutics.
love of God! What wonders of good the very words unfold! What vistas of peace and happiness and joy they open to the one who even voices them in reverence and humility! How they bid tumult cease, and what a sense of calm they instantly produce! Who does not long for a larger understanding of their meaning and a fuller comprehension of the way to lay hold of it?
with contributions from Viscountess Astor, Howard C. R. Thayer, Ella J. Bolton, Ralph O. Brewster, Frank Bell, Charles E. Hallenbeck, Fredda R. Gratke, Ethel Colwell Smith
To insure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Board of Lectureship regarding lectures in the United States and Canada, four weeks before the date of the lecture; in Great Britain and Ireland, five weeks before; in other European countries, six weeks before.
It seemed that my life had been made up of unfortunate experiences from the time I was three years old until about my twenty-fourth year, at which time I was ready to give up in despair.
Nine years ago, when all sense of human happiness and peace seemed to have fled, I turned to Christian Science, and found it to be an ideal and practical religion.
Christian Science came into our home twenty-one years ago through the healing of my mother, who was given up by the best physicians at that time to die of typhoid fever.
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with contributions from Viscountess Astor, Howard C. R. Thayer, Ella J. Bolton, Ralph O. Brewster, Frank Bell, Charles E. Hallenbeck, Fredda R. Gratke, Ethel Colwell Smith