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Some years ago, when suffering from a physical disorder...
Some years ago, when suffering from a physical disorder of many years' standing,—a disorder so pronounced that physicians and surgeons of several cities told me I could be cured only by a surgical operation, and held out no promise of a permanent cure, even then,—I went to a Christian Science practitioner. It was my first experience, and I explained the situation to her carefully, adding: "Of course I do not expect to be healed at once; that would be impossible in a case where the discord has been present so many years; I am willing to be patient if it takes many months, if only you think you can heal me." She smiled quietly, and said, "Why should it take many months?" And then she repeated to me that beautiful metaphor which is familiar to many students of Christian Science: "If two houses side by side were closed tightly, the one for ten years and the other for ten months, and if both were thrown open to the light and air at once, would not the sun flood the one just as quickly as the other?" It was a revelation to me. It is needless to say that the healing came at once. The door of Truth was opened to me then, and the sunshine of divine Love so flooded my consciousness that the beautiful vista I beheld through the open door made me long to pass through and enter the garden of peace and harmony beyond. For some weeks I stood upon the threshold with the wonderful vision ever before, not quite daring to take the step. Now I rejoice that the door is closed—behind me—securely closed; and I know that I shall never require to retrace my steps and reenter the portals, on the other side of which are the dark clouds of error and unbelief.
It is my great wish that I may take others by the hand and lead them along this bright pathway; and my daily prayer is that I may so live that I may more and more reflect the Love that is God.
(Mrs.) Gertrude J. McPherson, Washington, D. C.
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August 18, 1923 issue
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The Rebuke that Destroys Error
The Currents of Spirituality
A Parallel
"Work out your own salvation"
A Progressive Life
Mrs. Eddy starts her reasoning in Science and Health...
Charles M. Shaw, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
In "Unity of Good" (p. 37), in her article entitled, "Is...
Brigman C. Odom, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
Christian Science practice does not permit its practitioners...
Willard J. Welch, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
Christian Science is the opposite of autosuggestion, being...
William Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Maryland,
Error, mortal mind, matter, and evil are all synonymous...
Miss Blanche Stievenard, Committee on Publication for Hertfordshire, England,
Christian Science is not something new, but it gives the...
Marie C. Hartman, Committee on Publication for Holland,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from Emma W. Schwencke, Edith Daniels
Right Education
Albert F. Gilmore
Duncan Sinclair
"Perfect models"
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from F. B. Wheeler, Luther P. Cudworth, Jane D. Armour, Edward Castellain, Fannie R. Clark
Christian Science came to me sixteen years ago, and...
A. Mary Van Der Goes
It has been twenty years since I bought my first copy...
Mabel Matheson Patterson
Christian Science has been my comfort and help for...
Louise A. Kies
When Christian Science was first called to my attention,...
George D. Morrison
Some years ago, when suffering from a physical disorder...
Gertrude J. McPherson
When Jesus was before Pilate he made this statement:...
Mary Hayes Case
It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I send the particulars...
Emily Bond with contributions from Alfred Lord Tennyson