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Christian Science came to me sixteen years ago, and...
Christian Science came to me sixteen years ago, and since that time this new light of Truth has brought so many blessings into my life that words cannot express my great gratitude to Mrs. Eddy, whose pure thoughts were ready to receive this beautiful revelation. I am very thankful for the great help that Christian Science has been to me.
Some time ago, while cycling, I met with an accident. My arm pained me very much. The policeman who helped me said that he would take me to the hospital, for he was sure my arm was broken. Then suddenly I realized that I must decide by myself; and I knew with a great certainty that I did not want medical assistance, but trusted that, whatever had happened to me, God was sure to help me. I told the policeman that I preferred to go home; and on arriving there I immediately received help in Christian Science. In the evening the pain had become considerably less. Though I could not move one joint of my fingers without the help of the other hand, after some days I felt that something was moving in the arm in two different places.
After a week, my brother-in-law, who is a doctor, came to see me. He had heard of the accident and thought it his duty to tell me that if my arm were broken and the bones were not set in their right places, I should always have a stiff and deformed arm. I told him that I was not at all anxious; that when the accident took place I did not need medical aid but trusted in God's help; and that my thoughts had not changed on that point. He wished to see my arm, and on looking at it thought it was broken; but as it was still too much swollen to make a correct diagnosis, he advised me to have an X-ray examination. As my family was very anxious, I thought it wise to follow his advice. Ten days after the accident the examination by X-ray took place, in which two doctors assisted. They told me that two bones (the ulna and the radius) had been broken, but that now the position of the bones was excellent, for they were both in their right places. Later on, I was told how one of the doctors expressed his amazement that the bones had not been dislocated, for it rarely happened that two bones broken near each other did not move out of place. He considered it a remarkable case. Then I knew that on the morning when I felt the movement in my arm, God had wrought the wonderful healing. Within two months my arm was quite healed, and I could use it as formerly.
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August 18, 1923 issue
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The Rebuke that Destroys Error
The Currents of Spirituality
A Parallel
"Work out your own salvation"
A Progressive Life
Mrs. Eddy starts her reasoning in Science and Health...
Charles M. Shaw, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
In "Unity of Good" (p. 37), in her article entitled, "Is...
Brigman C. Odom, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
Christian Science practice does not permit its practitioners...
Willard J. Welch, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
Christian Science is the opposite of autosuggestion, being...
William Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Maryland,
Error, mortal mind, matter, and evil are all synonymous...
Miss Blanche Stievenard, Committee on Publication for Hertfordshire, England,
Christian Science is not something new, but it gives the...
Marie C. Hartman, Committee on Publication for Holland,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from Emma W. Schwencke, Edith Daniels
Right Education
Albert F. Gilmore
Duncan Sinclair
"Perfect models"
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from F. B. Wheeler, Luther P. Cudworth, Jane D. Armour, Edward Castellain, Fannie R. Clark
Christian Science came to me sixteen years ago, and...
A. Mary Van Der Goes
It has been twenty years since I bought my first copy...
Mabel Matheson Patterson
Christian Science has been my comfort and help for...
Louise A. Kies
When Christian Science was first called to my attention,...
George D. Morrison
Some years ago, when suffering from a physical disorder...
Gertrude J. McPherson
When Jesus was before Pilate he made this statement:...
Mary Hayes Case
It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I send the particulars...
Emily Bond with contributions from Alfred Lord Tennyson