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"As ye would that men should do to you"
Perhaps in no other teaching of Christ Jesus is there embodied so perfect a compendium for the guidance of humanity as in that passage which has come to be familiarly known as the Golden Rule. Probably no admonition of the Master is more generally accepted as setting forth ideals wholly worthy of attainment; and probably none is regarded as more impracticable by the great majority of humankind. While perhaps accepting it theoretically as fine idealism, comparatively few have put it into actual practice to the degree that it has become their rule and guide of life. "As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise," has been the stumblingblock to all unwilling to accept the teachings of the Nazarene in their fullest import, and to prove their discipleship by literally following in his footsteps. Since it calls for the overcoming of all selfish desires,—in fact, for the demonstration of selflessness,—to the materially-minded, its demands have seemed too great. Mrs. Eddy has graphically expressed the correct view of the Golden Rule on page 337 of "Miscellaneous Writings." To the question, "What is the Principle and rule of Christian Science?" she replies: "Infinite query! Wonder in heaven and on earth,—who shall say? The immaculate Son of the Blessed has spoken of them as the Golden Rule and its Principle, God who is Love." And she illustrates the point by the incident related in the Scriptures where Jesus, calling the little child to him, said, "Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Manifestly, the childlike qualities—faith, humility, trustfulness, receptivity—are the requisites for demonstrating the Golden Rule, that is, Christian Science.
Through disclosing the truth about God and man, Christian Science has revealed the meaning of the Golden Rule as of practical application in human experience. In order to understand this passage, is it not necessary to inquire, however, first of all, what men would most like to have others do to them? Let us see. To the query, What would we that men should do to us? there can be but one answer. To strive to see man as God's child, His image and expression, perfect and unchangeable; for, to see the perfect man is to assist one in the realization of that exalted state which knows no evil, no sin or sickness, want or woe. This effort can have no other result than to assist in bringing into experience in some degree God's reign upon earth here and now. This, then, is what we desire that men should do to us; that is to say, when once we have gained a scientific understanding of the true creation, of God's fatherhood and His infinite love for His children.
But it must not be overlooked that the Golden Rule provides that we should do right by others. The obligation upon us, then, is to "judge righteous judgment," to see man as he is, in order to deserve this attitude in return. Are we heeding this admonition? Are we yielding to the temptation to see man as a physical being with all the limitations which the belief of material existence entails, including sin, fear, disease, even death? One's answer to this question of a necessity determines his understanding of the Golden Rule, and his willingness to obey it. Of the importance of observing the Golden Rule, Mrs. Eddy says in Miscellany (p. 5): "The First Commandment of the Hebrew Decalogue, 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me,' and the Golden Rule are the all-in-all of Christian Science. They are the spiritual idealism and realism which, when realized, constitute a Christian Scientist, heal the sick, reform the sinner, and rob the grave of its victory." Is it not an anomaly in human experience that men have failed so egregiously to embrace and practice a teaching that promises so much,—even complete salvation from the multifarious troubles that appear to encompass them?
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October 14, 1922 issue
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The True Structure
Government and Citizenship
Over Twenty
Christian Scientists do indeed believe and have often...
Willard J. Welch, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa, in the
It has been reported that the minister who spoke against...
Mrs. Gudrun G. Jensen, Committee on Publication for Norway, in the
Regarding autosuggestion, Christian Science takes a position...
William T. Finney, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Canada, in the
Fundamentally, and in practice, Christian Science is the...
J. N. Van Patten, Committe on Publication for Southern California, in the
Christian Science teaches that all disease has a mortally...
Charles W. J. Tennant, Committee on Publication for London, England, in the
Whatever may be one's individual views concerning Christian Science,...
Charles E. Heitman, Committee on Publication for the State of New York, in the
That the material body is the servant of thought, not...
W. Stuart Booth, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado, in the
Letters from the Field
with contributions from The Nurses of The Christian Science Benevolent Association, Iva B. Linebarger
"As ye would that men should do to you"
Albert F. Gilmore
Value of Spiritual Ideas
Duncan Sinclair
The True Viewpoint
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from A. Hervey-Bathurst, L. R. Gillette, Hiram Kirk Jackson
Many years ago, Christian Science healed me of valvular...
Grace E. Daniels
The perusal of the new book, "Christian Science War...
Robert E. Key with contributions from V. Mabel Key
My first healing in Christian Science was instantaneous,...
Elizabeth Clark
Words cannot fully express my gratitude for the teaching...
Lena D. Chastain
When Christian Science came into our home it found me...
Cora M. Ernst
A few years ago, while staying at the seaside and bathing...
L. F. Van der Wyck
Christian Science has caused so much joy, happiness, and...
Carl W. Messer
For several years I suffered from gall and liver trouble,...
Hermann Geisler
I wish to acknowledge my sincere appreciation for a most...
Julia E. Phillips
Signs of the Times
with contributions from T. B. Larimore, C. N. Howard, J. J. Muir