word "examination" is so frequently before the thought these days, in the press and the tongue, that a few words as to its true meaning is not amiss.
there is one statement of Jesus that is fixed in my thought more than another it is, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
for me she wrought with marvelous care,Can I the debt toss carelessly aside—Content to feast in idleness and pride,Unmindful of her fast, her ceaseless prayer?
Our critic approaches the entire question of Christian Science from a purely material standpoint, an attitude which is impossible in considering metaphysics; for it should be remembered that Christian Science interprets the Bible spiritually.
In a series of lectures given in Richmond several statements have been made pertaining to Christian Science which were at variance with its actual teachings and which would mislead your readers.
In a recent issue of The Standard there appeared an article entitled, "Hypnotism and Prejudice," in which Christian Science is referred to as a form of suggestion.
In a recent issue, under the subheading of "No Substitute for Christianity" a clergyman is reported as saying, "Around us to-day are confused and uncertain voices—Christian Science, spiritualism, theosophy, and other substitutes for Christ and Christianity.
with contributions from August Plischke, John H. Parker, Mary G. Radcliffe, Frank T. Sheets, R. J. Chandler, Burnett, Florence A. Lewis, Alfred H. Koeller, William V. Little, Gwendolen H. Garsed, A. L. Wiles, William I. Coger, Nina Winans, W. E. Hitchcock, E. Clemens, Paladini
In accordance with the preference of the Board of Lectureship, the names of lecturers will not appear hereafter in connection with reports of lecture introductions as printed in the Christian Science Sentinel.
It is with an earnest desire to help some one who may be struggling with sickness or sorrow, as well as from a deep sense of gratitude for good received, that I send this testimony.
Nineteen years ago Christian Science came to me in an hour of great need, when I had met with an accident to my knee, which confined me to my room for three months.
I have had so much help and encouragement from reading the testimonies in the Sentinel, that I think it is time for me to give thanks for the many blessings I have received.
This testimony is given as an expression of thanks for the protection which a knowledge of the truth as taught in Christian Science afforded me in a business transaction.
As one who has received unnumbered benefits from Christian Science, I feel it both my pleasure and my duty to testify to a few of them, though there would not be room enough in the whole of the Sentinel to contain them all.
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with contributions from August Plischke, John H. Parker, Mary G. Radcliffe, Frank T. Sheets, R. J. Chandler, Burnett, Florence A. Lewis, Alfred H. Koeller, William V. Little, Gwendolen H. Garsed, A. L. Wiles, William I. Coger, Nina Winans, W. E. Hitchcock, E. Clemens, Paladini