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Spiritual Instruction
In the book of Nehemiah we read of a great work done by the people who had returned to Jerusalem from their former captivity, under the leadership of Nehemiah. It is of peculiar interest to study this book at the present time when the conditions which prevailed in jerusalem are so closely paralleled in a number of European cities. The destructive elements of mortal mind had done their utmost; Jerusalem lay in ruins, and desolation was everywhere, but when Nehemiah told his fellow countrymen that the hand of God rested upon him for good they responded, "Let us rise up and build."
It is good to think upon the activity which sprang up among these people, and deeply impressive to read that their common daily tasks were "sanctified;" and great was the need, for there were foes all about them and much enemy psychology to mock at them and call their efforts feeble. Above all it is good to be told that the malicious falsehoods of their foes gave way before the prayers of the inspired prophet, and the record has this to say of his enemies: "They were much cast down in their own eyes: for they perceived that this work was wrought of our God." We also read that the word of God was kept constantly before their eyes, and that when the people saw how deeply they had erred they were very mournful and wept "when they heard the words of the law." At this point we are told that Nehemiah, Ezra, and the faithful workers rebuked this mournful sense and bade them rejoice, saying: "The joy of the Lord is your strength."
There was, moreover, a constant demand for moral and spiritual purification, and then at the great convocation of which we read in the ninth chapter we are told that the children of Israel confessed their sins, and "the iniquities of their fathers," and to them was recited the whole wonderful story of the spiritual progress made by their nation from the day of its founding by Abraham. We read of their many trials and afflictions, all of which came because mortal material sense was allowed to a large extent to usurp the place of spiritual understanding and obedience; and yet we are told of the bread from heaven which satisfied their hunger, of the water which came from the rock, and of the pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night. These words, however, go to the very heart of their nation's experiences: "Thou gavest also thy good spirit to instruct them." Without this spiritual instruction no real progress could have been made by this people, nor is it possible for any to-day, and yet we may rejoice that never before in human history has the ear of humanity been so quickened, and men's eyes opened to behold the spiritual truths on which our very existence depends. On page 133 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" we read, "In national prosperity, miracles attended the success of the Hebrews; but when they departed from the true idea, their demoralization began."
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March 22, 1919 issue
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A Personal Experience
Right Apprehension
The Word
The Law of Supply
Daily Help
The Prayers of Jesus
"Let us unite"
The time is not distant when a minister's personal opinion...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
There has been and still is much talk in regard to the so-called...
Leonard S. Nicholls
The Joy of Repentance
William P. McKenzie
Spiritual Instruction
Annie M. Knott
The Wisdom of the Wise
William D. McCrackan
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from F. W. Loomis, C. H. Williams, George M. Giffen
Christian Science is so regenerative in its influence that...
Annie K. Callaham
When Christian Science first came to my notice I was...
Amos W. Melugin
Feeling so happy and thankful for the realization of a settled...
Juliana Harrison with contributions from Marion Harrison
I desire to express my gratitude for the many physical...
C. H. Gilstrap
I have been helped so many times by reading the testimonies...
Kathleen B. Pemberton with contributions from Emma L. Butler
In unbounded gratitude for what Christian Science has...
Lall Gyllensköld
I am thankful to God for the many healings I have received...
Arvine Pike with contributions from Arvine Pike
In the eight years since Christian Science was first presented...
Lillie Price Hounsell
Reading the experiences of others has helped me so much...
Carro A. Bird with contributions from A. R. Bird
Signs of the Times
with contributions from F. J. Barwell-Walker