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Right Motives
Nothing is of more importance to men in the working out of their salvation from all evil than the understanding of how to examine and purify motives. There is always a motive prompting every act, whether the act be great or small, whether it be of larger or lesser influence; it is therefore easy to see the immense significance of right motives. It is only from perfect motives that perfect acts can result, and correcting the motives, more correct living must follow as a necessary consequence.
Now this examination of motives is entirely a mental operation and it is only through the light which Christian Science throws upon all mental activity that proper discernment is made possible. In its revelation of absolute Truth, Christian Science has opened the way to an exact differentiation between the true and the false, between right and wrong, between good and evil, at all times and under all circumstances. It remains, however, for each individual to lay hold of this perfect method and to apply it to every thought in order that he may bring forth the fruit of right motives.
To begin with the motive that Truth must be the goal of all endeavor, that Truth must be loved supremely and held as the alone desirable, is to have taken a great step toward the ability to clarify and rectify the nature of all motives. No honest heart but longs to be guided rightly and no question assails the student in the demonstration of Christian Science more frequently than that which asks, "How can I know whether it is truth or error which is knocking at the door of my thought?" Right here is an opportunity to enter upon the work of the analyzing and purifying of motives, by applying the simple test, "Am I desiring and seeking self, or God?" For with the one insistent purpose to be true to Truth, all wavering mental vision will be done away.
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November 15, 1919 issue
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The League of Nations
"A highway for our God"
Children of Israel
The Act of Obedience
Minute by Minute
A recent issue contains a review of Dr. A. H. Forster's...
George R. Lowe
A League of Understanding Hearts
William P. McKenzie
Right Motives
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from F. D. Yale, Frank Engle, F. C. Jaccard, William K. Sheldon, Guy B. Erwin, Cuthbert K. Cooper, Jacob Netter, F. H. Wilkinson, Florence McCormick, George B. Austin
It is more than five years since I turned to Christian Science...
Grace Martin Degnan
Jesus said, "Freely ye have received, freely give."
Edith Bradford Balke-Haines
With a deep sense of love and gratitude for this wonderful...
Jessie C. Salman with contributions from Charles A. Salman
A little over four years ago, a neighbor in Chicago...
O. C. Reichert
In 1902 I attended my first Christian Science service,...
William F. Jens
Remembering how eagerly at one time I searched our...
Gertrude Gooding McCloud
Christian Science has been everything to me since I first...
Emily Amelia Jonas
How blessed are those of us that have touched the hem...
Barney Johnson
My attention was first called to Christian Science when...
Hannah M. Wright
The testimonies in our periodicals have been such a help...
Anna B. Ohnesorge
About five years ago while visiting a relative who is a...
Marion N. Bandman
The truth as taught in Christian Science first dawned on...
Lewis Burt Lesley
I wish to express my gratitude through the Sentinel for...
Gertrude Comstock
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Clarence A. Barbour