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Trained Servants
Through the inspired teachings of Christian Science its beneficiaries are attaining to the intuitive insight which gathers out of the simple Bible stories of the lives of patriarchs and prophets veritable gems of truth, precious instructions pertaining to their own conduct and life work. In the thirteenth and fourteenth chapters of Genesis we read of Abram's experience in emerging from his sojourn in Egypt, whither he had taken refuge from "a famine in the land," and further of the capture of Sodom and Gomorrah, when Lot the nephew of Abram was carried away by the enemy. "And when Abram heard that his brother was taken captive, he armed his trained servants, born in his own house, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued them unto Dan." The metaphysical interpretation of the name Abraham given in Science and Health, page 579, reveals to us that Abraham signifies "fidelity; faith in the divine Life and in the eternal Principle of being." It further tells us that "this patriarch illustrated the purpose of Love to create trust in good, and showed the life-preserving power of spiritual understanding." It is certain, then, that one who wishes to apply Christian Science for the purpose of freeing some captive of error, may expect to learn much in this line from the story of Abraham.
To one student, among other valuable glimpses and precepts gained from this story, there came especially with the words above quoted the following much valued lesson, which she would be happy to share with others. Abram "armed his trained servants, born in his own house." There are those who hold that deliverance from the enemies which assail mankind may be effected by learning and using prescribed "treatments" or formulas. In Christian Science we understand, however, the reason why our wise Leader decidedly prohibited such practice. Rules which are learned by rote, be they ever so excellent in themselves, are like hired servants; they will not do the fighting for us. We must use "trained servants" of our own household, living concepts of activity, truly our own, because they have grown out of our efforts to penetrate beyond the letter into the very spirit of the words, and so have been born to us, as it were, for the service of our fellow men. They must also have been "trained" in many experiences, so that we may confidently go forth into the land of the enemy. Note also that he "pursued them unto Dan." On page 583 of our textbook Dan is interpreted as "animal magnetism." Here it is that the enemy's intrenchments are reached, here it holds its victim captive. Shall we allow aggressive mental suggestion to make us forget or neglect our obligation to pursue as far as Dan? With the fidelity of Abraham for our pattern, we must go forth with trusty, home-born "servants," and wrench from the enemy his wrongfully claimed spoil. Then shall we return in triumph and receive the blessing of Abraham.
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September 21, 1918 issue
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A Question Answered
In the Time of Harvest
The Activity of the Christ
"And it was so"
Trained Servants
Spiritual Understanding
That Christian Scientists are regarded by examining...
Walter H. Van Zwoll
It was a mistake for the editor of the Centerville Independent...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
In a recent issue, in an article entitled "The Monitor a...
Albert F. Gilmore
While differing from scholastic dogma and modes of human...
Willis D. McKinstry
In a recent issue of your paper several statements that...
Herbert Z. Hopkins
Appreciation Better Than Praise
William P. McKenzie
Annie M. Knott
More Light
William D. McCrackan
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from George Collins, John Frederic Phillips, Walter A. Green, Louis J. March, Florence Bates, Joseph W. Reynolds, Verne A. Tracey
It is heartfelt gratitude that prompts me to write this...
William J. Bickel
It is with deep gratitude for the understanding of God...
Pauline A. S. Kinch
I have long had the intention of testifying to the help...
Dora Weyhknecht with contributions from W. C. Wurz
I began to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Henrietta Houghton
In John we read, "The first day of the week cometh Mary...
Mary V. Forsyth
While I have many times expressed my gratitude in the...
Clara E. Smith
I should like to express my gratitude for a healing in...
Grace M. Campbell
I am as happy as can be, for I am so well pleased with...
Mamie McHone with contributions from Vera E. Adams
I am one of the many who have received innumerable...
Gladys Anna Milham
From the Press
with contributions from William T. Ellis, Samuel Zane Batten, William Robertson Nicoll, Mary Lloyd McConnel