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That Christian Scientists are regarded by examining...
National Underwriter
That Christian Scientists are regarded by examining physicians as favorable insurance risks is stated by a writer in a recent issue, who says also that Christian Scientists in comparison with others are "ordinarily not so subject to minor ills, and even have a better fighting spirit during a serious illness." The article adds that "Christian Scientists take unusually good care of themselves;" but this care, it should be said, is not in the observance of material health laws, for it depends upon the understanding and application of the spiritual law of God.
A serious misrepresentation, however, is to be found in the erroneous statement that a great many Christian Scientists will summon a physician in an emergency but do not care to admit or agree that they will do so. This is obviously untrue, and the established efficiency of Christian Science and the honesty of its adherents do not warrant such an aspersion. Christian Scientists have learned from experience how much more safely they can depend on Christian Science than on other systems. Their confidence in Christian Science is sincere and is the result of practical proof of its reliability. For a Christian Scientist to seek medical aid would be anomalous and would call in question his position as a Christian Scientist. Thousands upon thousands have been restored to health by Christian Science after being told by the doctors that recovery was impossible. Such persons are wisely consistent in steadfastly relying on God's power, and are not to be termed fanatics for doing so. It is of interest that the manager of an insurance company has made the statement that those policyholders treated by Christian Science recover more quickly from illness than those treated in other ways.
A strong editorial in the New York Telegraph of September 21, 1916, regarding vital statistics published by the census bureau, comments on the influence of Christian Science in reducing the death rate, as follows: "The decrease in the death rate in the United States began when Christian Scientists started their uplifting work. Christian Scientists have made this a nation of optimists. Men and women have 'got into the habit of being well,' as Oliver Wendell Holmes said. Christian Scientists have worked without ceasing to show their fellow men that 'sin, sickness, and death are abnormal conditions of mortal mind.' And they have succeeded. No group of religionists in America has ever had such an effect on the people—an effect for good spiritually and bodily—as have the Christian Scientists. The good health of the country shows the result of that work. Figures prove it."
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September 21, 1918 issue
View Issue-
A Question Answered
In the Time of Harvest
The Activity of the Christ
"And it was so"
Trained Servants
Spiritual Understanding
That Christian Scientists are regarded by examining...
Walter H. Van Zwoll
It was a mistake for the editor of the Centerville Independent...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
In a recent issue, in an article entitled "The Monitor a...
Albert F. Gilmore
While differing from scholastic dogma and modes of human...
Willis D. McKinstry
In a recent issue of your paper several statements that...
Herbert Z. Hopkins
Appreciation Better Than Praise
William P. McKenzie
Annie M. Knott
More Light
William D. McCrackan
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from George Collins, John Frederic Phillips, Walter A. Green, Louis J. March, Florence Bates, Joseph W. Reynolds, Verne A. Tracey
It is heartfelt gratitude that prompts me to write this...
William J. Bickel
It is with deep gratitude for the understanding of God...
Pauline A. S. Kinch
I have long had the intention of testifying to the help...
Dora Weyhknecht with contributions from W. C. Wurz
I began to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Henrietta Houghton
In John we read, "The first day of the week cometh Mary...
Mary V. Forsyth
While I have many times expressed my gratitude in the...
Clara E. Smith
I should like to express my gratitude for a healing in...
Grace M. Campbell
I am as happy as can be, for I am so well pleased with...
Mamie McHone with contributions from Vera E. Adams
I am one of the many who have received innumerable...
Gladys Anna Milham
From the Press
with contributions from William T. Ellis, Samuel Zane Batten, William Robertson Nicoll, Mary Lloyd McConnel