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In a recent issue, in an article entitled "The Monitor a...
North Side News
In a recent issue, in an article entitled "The Monitor a Menace," are certain misleading statements. It should be noted in passing that the article in question furnished at least an element of novelty. Just recently a Presbyterian editor remarked how few and unimportant the Christian Scientists are. Now appears the statement that they are "so rich, powerful, and well organized" that editors are afraid to attack them or their paper. It may be truthfully stated that adherents of this religion not only do not object to true statements regarding themselves and their religion but rather welcome such, for they are happy to be judged by their work. On the other hand, it may be said with equal truth that Christian Scientists always desire to correct misstatements regarding the teachings of their religion and their activities.
Just what part The Christian Science Monitor has had in the affairs at Ottawa is best determined by reading its columns. It has been stated by the editor of the Monitor frequently and with perfect clarity that it never assails or criticizes the Roman Catholic religion or any other denomination; as a matter of fact, it extends to every creed the same tolerance it would demand for its own. However, when the Roman Catholic church, or any other, departs from its true character as a promoter of its religious teachings and enters the field of politics, inevitably it gets—and deserves—the criticism belonging to political partisanship. That the Monitor does not assail the Roman Catholic church except in its political activities should be carefully borne in mind.
The teachings of Christian Science regarding Jesus are clearly set forth in its textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. That these teachings tend to a lesser love for the master Christian, to a lesser consecration to his service, or to a lesser desire to follow exactly in his footsteps than do the teachings of other denominations, it would be impossible to prove. After all, it is not a question of this belief or that regarding him, but rather the influence he exerts over the lives of his followers which really counts. Not by words, but by deeds, is one's consecration to the Christ-ideal demonstrated. Mrs. Eddy states this very clearly on page 34 of Science and Health: "If all who ever partook of the sacrament had really commemorated the sufferings of Jesus and drunk of his cup, they would have revolutionized the world. If all who seek his commemoration through material symbols will take up the cross, heal the sick, cast out evils, and preach Christ, or Truth, to the poor,—the receptive thought,—they will bring in the millennium."
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September 21, 1918 issue
View Issue-
A Question Answered
In the Time of Harvest
The Activity of the Christ
"And it was so"
Trained Servants
Spiritual Understanding
That Christian Scientists are regarded by examining...
Walter H. Van Zwoll
It was a mistake for the editor of the Centerville Independent...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
In a recent issue, in an article entitled "The Monitor a...
Albert F. Gilmore
While differing from scholastic dogma and modes of human...
Willis D. McKinstry
In a recent issue of your paper several statements that...
Herbert Z. Hopkins
Appreciation Better Than Praise
William P. McKenzie
Annie M. Knott
More Light
William D. McCrackan
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from George Collins, John Frederic Phillips, Walter A. Green, Louis J. March, Florence Bates, Joseph W. Reynolds, Verne A. Tracey
It is heartfelt gratitude that prompts me to write this...
William J. Bickel
It is with deep gratitude for the understanding of God...
Pauline A. S. Kinch
I have long had the intention of testifying to the help...
Dora Weyhknecht with contributions from W. C. Wurz
I began to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Henrietta Houghton
In John we read, "The first day of the week cometh Mary...
Mary V. Forsyth
While I have many times expressed my gratitude in the...
Clara E. Smith
I should like to express my gratitude for a healing in...
Grace M. Campbell
I am as happy as can be, for I am so well pleased with...
Mamie McHone with contributions from Vera E. Adams
I am one of the many who have received innumerable...
Gladys Anna Milham
From the Press
with contributions from William T. Ellis, Samuel Zane Batten, William Robertson Nicoll, Mary Lloyd McConnel