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Items of Interest
Brazil, a field rich in possibilities for the cattle industry, has been a cattle country, although not a meat exporting one, since early colonial times. For the past year the new meat export business has received the special attention of Brazilian officials, business men, and economists. The only existing census of the herds in the republic sets their total at 30,000,000, but the number is undoubtedly larger than that. It is thought that not only the rolling plains of southern Brazil, which border upon Uruguay, Argentina, and Paraguay, but also a vastly more extensive central and tropical highland region, may prove in time to be valuable cattle ranges. In these states are vast lands still undevoted to agriculture. Frost is practically unknown there. A special pasture adapted to the Brazilian soil and climate grows there all the year round and keeps the cattle constantly in fit condition.
The administration revenue bill, designed to raise $350,000,000 through special taxes and bond issues, passed the United States Senate by a vote of 47 to 33, and was signed by President Wilson. The bill provides that $175,000,000 of the taxes collected under it, and under the revenue bill of last year, shall "constitute a special preparedness fund" to be used in army, navy, and fortifications expenditure. Strong objection was made to the excess profits tax feature of the bill, which placed a tax of 8 per cent on the net profits of corporations and joint stock companies when they exceed $5000 a year and are more than 8 per cent of the capital invested. A second important feature will increase the present tax on estates 50 per cent. This tax will range from 1½ per cent on net estates over $50,000 to 15 per cent on estates over $5,000,000.
Colombia has worked out a comprehensive road system intended to facilitate highway traffic and to connect interior points with railways, ports, and commercial centers. Much interest in road construction has also been shown recently in the neighboring countries of Venezuela and Peru, and there is a certain similarity between the completeness of the Peruvian plan and that of the project passed by the Colombian Congress. The extension of roads will cover practically the whole of Colombia. The best routes have been selected, and their maintenance provided for. To provide a special fund for this road construction a surtax of 5 per cent will be levied on all imports. In addition to this fund the toll tax, which has been collected on certain roads, will continue. Other assistance may be granted by legislative bodies to petitioners for roads when requests are accompanied by satisfactory details and estimates.
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March 24, 1917 issue
View Issue-
"Wars and rumors of wars"
Spiritual Weapons and Warfare
Purifying Experience
Gossamer Webs
"Whence comest thou?"
From Cross to Crown
It ought to be a plain proposition that a medical doctor...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
From a report of a case in which a conscientious objector...
H. R. Colborne
A paper purporting to be for Bible students, which was...
W. Stuart Booth
In his recent revival in Quincy an evangelist had a...
Avery Coonley
Our critic says that Christian Science is antichristian
Charles W. J. Tennant
One Standard
Archibald McLellan
Playing Safe
William D. McCrackan
"Mark the perfect man"
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Louis Grosenbaugh, Attorney Frank Ryan, F. W. Smith, George Silas Hall, A. C. Woods
Two years ago I first learned what Christian Science really...
Cora H. Spencer with contributions from W. W. Spencer
I wish to express my deep gratitude to God for the great...
Jeannie Hunter
From early girlhood I had been a church member, but...
Satie M. Boldtmann
It is with a sense of deep gratitude to God that I give this...
Emilie Brandenberger-Schmidt
Over ten years ago I attended a Wednesday evening meeting...
John H. N. Davis
From my own experience it has been proven to me that...
Pearl Strickland Strong
In October, 1913, I first attended the Christian Science...
Lillian Stockwell Trask
It is with loving thankfulness to God, and gratitude to...
Philip D. Steinmetz
In January, 1912, our family physician advised me to get...
Verna Mahone Hines
In October, 1898, a friend who had been helped in Christian Science...
Marion O. Simonds
First among the memories of my childhood is that of pain
Daisy Reichman Adams
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Percy Pegler, T. R. Glover, John A. Hutton, Arthur Pringle