While attending a Christian Science lecture I was healed...

While attending a Christian Science lecture I was healed of stomach trouble, and my attitude toward life was changed completely. I then began a systematic study of the Bible and of Mrs. Eddy's writings, and since that time extreme nervousness has been overcome, also fear of poverty and of losing my reason. My memory is much better than it used to be, and I have gained a far greater appreciation of the good and great things that have been done and said in the world.

I am very grateful to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, also to those who are connected in any way with the Christian Science movement.—Olive Harrington, Winlock, Wash.

One morning in the spring of 1915 I received a blow in the face from a rapidly moving object. After realizing that God is not the author of accidents, I experienced no pain. Later it was discovered that there were two cuts on the chin and the corners of one front tooth were gone. I went to a lecture at The Mother Church that evening, however, and in a day or two the cuts were healed. A small bunch then formed on the side of my face, for which I could not at first account. I did not remember finding the pieces of tooth, so the thought came that perhaps one corner might have been pushed into the flesh and was lodged inside the cheek. The next question was, if this were the case, how to extract the piece properly; but I resolved to leave the problem entirely to God, and did so. Several weeks passed; there was inflammation and a discharge on the outside of the cheek, but it did not heal. Finally, the night before the visit of some relatives, I realized quite clearly that there was no reason for me to be disfigured; that it was not according to God's law. The next morning my face was quite smooth, with no scar, and the piece of tooth was found embedded in the dry cuticle which had been rubbed off the cheek.

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Testimony of Healing
My gratitude for Christian Science has not been acknowledged...
November 24, 1917

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