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It has been nearly four years since the light of Christian Science...
It has been nearly four years since the light of Christian Science first penetrated the darkness and despair that filled my life, and led as a beacon light to a haven of rest. Our six months' old baby was suffering from a skin disease which had spread over his entire body, and required constant care both night and day. Our little girl, four years old, was suffering from attacks of stomach trouble and an extreme nervousness which manifested itself chiefly in a twitching of the eyelids. Both children were under the care of a child specialist, who had prescribed for them a most rigid diet. I shall not forget the burden I felt when, because of this diet, the physicians said it rested with me whether the children got well, and that probably the little girl would never be able to eat in a normal way. But I rejoice to have learned in Christian Science that all these laws were man-made, and that God's law has rendered them null and void.
It is scarcely to be wondered at that I was weakened physically as well as spiritually, and was at times confined to my bed. At this time some relatives of my husband wrote that they were coming to our city, and this seemed the last straw, for we felt that we could not entertain them. But God's ways are not our ways, and when they came they were ever ready and willing to help, sacrificing their own pleasures for our good. They recommended that we try Christian Science for the baby. At first I would not listen, but occasionally they mentioned different healings they had experienced or witnessed, so that I became more and more interested.
After these relatives had been with us a few days I was taken sick, and expected to remain in bed three or four days, as I had done under similar conditions; but the next morning I got up, threw the usual remedy away, and have never had a return of the trouble. Since then Christian Science has been my only physician. In less than three weeks we began to have Science treatment for the baby. His healing was slow, but he is now a healthy boy with absolutely no trace of the trouble. It took us longer to rely entirely upon Christian Science for the little girl. We gave up the medicine, but still felt that she must diet. There came a time, however, when we found we could not bow down to both Spirit and matter, and must decide for one or the other. We then took our stand for Truth. After one week's treatment she was healed of the stomach trouble, and has had only one attack since, which was quickly overcome. The nervousness soon disappeared, and she is now a perfectly healthy child.
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November 3, 1917 issue
View Issue-
Demonstrating Christian Science
Routine of Expectation
Minding Our Business
Reading Rooms
That Which Is Within
Love's Protecting Power
The Measure of a Man
The classification of Christian Science with hypnotism...
W. Stuart Booth
The speaker at the Tabernacle, as reported in The World,...
Samuel Greenwood
In a Saturday issue was printed some copy furnished by a...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
From reference made from time to time in the press, and...
H. R. Colborne
A correspondent in intimating that Christian Scientists, in...
Carl E. Herring
Important Announcement
Drawing Nigh to God
William P. McKenzie
Prayers for Prosperity
Annie M. Knott
The Army of the Lord
William D. McCrackan
The Lectures
with contributions from Bicknell Young, Edward C. Kennedy, Edith I. Weeks, Evangeline Fox, Frank Conklin, Augustus A. Tobias, Henry M. Newmark
It is over three and a half years since I first heard of...
Emma Parry with contributions from Robert Parry
It is with a heart full of gratitude that I testify to the...
L. Steinhauer-Sommer
Although young in Christian Science, I cannot refrain...
John B. Morris
When not more than ten years of age I became subject to...
Lura A. Hollis
A deep sense of gratitude compels me to tell of a few of...
Walter Moraine
About twelve years ago a dear sister-in-law spoke to me...
Florence I. Bates
I wish to express my gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,"...
Emily K. Smith
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Joseph Fort Newton