the usefully active life is the only life worth living, and happy is the one who has deliberately gone into a business in which the applying, according to his ability, of the one or the two or the five talents received from his Lord brings forth logical returns.
A certain
student of Christian Science, sleeping out of doors high on a western hill, wakened each morning in the winter to see only the bare, black branches of a couple of poplar trees beating back and forth in the bitter wind.
Christian Science
teaches that just in proportion as human thought becomes spiritualized through right thinking and living, we may feel sure of divine protection at all times.
The classification of Christian Science with hypnotism and psychology by a recent writer in your columns was unfortunate, as they are basically and wholly dissimilar, in both teaching and operation, for the dynamic force in Christian Science practice, the divine Mind or Spirit, is not even recognized in the other teachings mentioned.
The speaker at the Tabernacle, as reported in The World, had a splendid opportunity to give his audience some authentic information on the subject of Christian Science.
In a Saturday issue was printed some copy furnished by a news syndicate wherein a medical writer undertook to inject in the body of his article on disease prevention an attack on Christian Science so unfair that in other papers coming to my notice editors struck out the objectionable paragraphs.
From reference made from time to time in the press, and also in an article published in your paper some few months since, it would appear that there are many misapprehensions with regard to Christian Science, and it has been described as "a substitute for the gospel," "a nostrum" and "Spiritism.
A correspondent in intimating that Christian Scientists, in common with every one else, use only such portions of the Bible as "suit their requirements," has touched upon the thing that through the ages has made religion dogmatic instead of spiritual.
with January, 1918, a translation in French of articles from The Christian Science Journal, Christian Science Sentinel, and The Christian Science Monitor will be made into an additional periodical under the title of LE HERAUT DE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE.
thought of prosperity is to be found in many places throughout the Scriptures, and it was undoubtedly regarded by the Hebrew people as a manifestation of divine favor.
It has been nearly four years since the light of Christian Science first penetrated the darkness and despair that filled my life, and led as a beacon light to a haven of rest.
Although young in Christian Science, I cannot refrain from testifying to the many benefits received during my short study of the subject, with the hope that my experience may awaken some other afflicted and doubting mortal to the truth, and to the blessings to be had through even a meager understanding of this teaching.
When not more than ten years of age I became subject to asthma, and passed many sleepless nights, while at times for days and nights in succession I was unable to lie down.
About twelve years ago a dear sister-in-law spoke to me of having been healed in Christian Science, but the remark passed over my head and I made no comment whatever.
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