That Christian Science is making headway in Poplar Bluff...

Poplar Bluff (Mo.) Republican

That Christian Science is making headway in Poplar Bluff is evident. When two ministers simultaneously and from pulpits theologically at variance unite in attacking Christian Science, there can be no doubt as to the exciting cause. But one naturally wonders why preachers of the gospel, themselves holding divergent opinions as to the teaching of Christ Jesus, and unable to agree upon Bible interpretation, should seek to destroy the faith of those who have found satisfaction in another Christian denomination. It must be patent to these critics that humanity is not yet ready to become of one mind in the matter of religion. Both John Wesley and Alexander Campbell furnished expositions of Scripture and founded denominations which have greatly aided in advancing the cause of Christianity. Yet these men were traduced and their doctrine declared anti-Christ by the "orthodox" churches of their day.

Mary Baker Eddy gave to the world the spiritual interpretation of Scripture and restored to Christendom the lost element of healing taught and practised by Christ Jesus. Christian Science has healed the sick, brought salvation to the sinner, and given the world a spiritual impetus. Yet religionists have been Mrs. Eddy's strongest opponents, and at the hands of Christian ministers her system has been misunderstood and she herself aspersed. Notwithstanding this, Mrs. Eddy has written in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 111), "I love the orthodox church; and, in time, that church will love Christian Science."

Our reverend friends affirmed, and it is to be noted that the two sermons were strangely alike, that God is a person. Now as an expression of opinion, any one is entitled to hold that God is a person, but when he undertakes to bolster up such an opinion by Bible references his difficulties begin, just as they do if he attempts to apply reason to substantiate such a concept of God. Christian Science does not object to defining God as infinite, incorporeal person. It is the anthropomorphic sense to which Christian Science objects in the so-called personality of Deity. Our critics affirm that "God is a person,—a material body and spiritual body," which is pure pantheism, neither rational nor Scriptural.

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