The United States Government in filing in the Supreme Court its brief asking for the complete separation of the Reading Company, the Philadelphia & Reading Railways Company, the Philadelphia & Reading Coal and Iron Company, and others, declares that the "Reading Commission" is the backbone of an alleged anthracite monopoly, that it controls about two thirds of the anthracite deposits, and that its supply will outlast by many years that of any other producer.
the stirring days of "good Queen Bess" her turbulent knights found relaxation, during the intervals between wars, in sailing west in search of treasure.
while working out a problem which seemed slow in yielding, the history of a rose bush, which is now a source of much pleasure to its owner, came to the writer with comforting thoughts.
the apostle Paul says, "Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?
high value which our Leader attached to the giving of testimony at the Wednesday evening meetings is shown by the statement in <a class="tome-reference"
If we look below the surface of human life, we find that many of its mistakes and tragedies are due to the fact that a sense of injustice is being harbored in thought.
The objections of the Denver clergyman who recently attacked Christian Science in your city, seem to be on the basis that Christian Science does not teach according to his theological beliefs.
It is a riddle how our clerical critic can write that Christian Science is liable to weaken morality and that it abandons the distinction between good and evil.
In an issue of the Tribune mention is made of a lecture in which the lecturer is quoted as stating that Christian Scientists "declare religion to be merely a system of bodily healing.
Christian Science is proving the truth of the Master's statement, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also," by healing the sick and reforming the sinner; and in the cry of "devil," humbug," "fraud," "imposition," and the like, we are reminded of the Scriptural account of the Pharisees' accusation that the great Master cast out devils "by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.
existence is so largely made up of conscious and unconscious beliefs in the reality of matter and of evil, that he who would measurably demonstrate the allness of God, good, must keep himself well schooled and alert not only in the constant practice of his best sense of right doing, but also in an attempt to analyze every thought, motive, and expression in its right relationship to the first commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
When in October, 1913, divine Love directed my steps to the door of a Christian Science practitioner, I was overcome with discouragement on account of business conditions, broken in health, and weakened in faith in God.
In September, 1911, I was healed of the liquor habit and attendant evils through Christian Science treatment, and in a manner that left no doubt of the activity of some power at that time unknown to me.
The testimonies in the Sentinel have always been such a help and inspiration to me that it is a privilege to give expression to my own gratitude for Christian Science healing.
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