Items of Interest

Authorities give warning that before long all the newspapers of the middle West will feel the pinch of the greatly increased cost of print paper, because the spruce in northern Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota is fast being eaten up by the hungry paper-mills. This means that a substitute must be used in place of spruce. Sixteen successful substitutes have been developed through the careful laboratory experiments carried on by the United States forest service at Madison, Wis., and also at the branch laboratory at Wausau, but none of them produce papers quite as white as the spruce paper.

The government's paper experts experimented upon over forty different kinds of wood during the years 1911, 1912, and 1913, and of that great variety the following proved to be the most acceptable substitutes for spruce ground-wood in making white print-paper: western hemlock, Sitka spruce, lodgepole pine, western yellow pine, balsam-fir, California lodgepole pine, red fir, white spruce with hemlock, white spruce with balsam-fir, tamarack, tamarack with white spruce, Alpine fir, white fir, Englemann spruce, Amabilis fir, and Noble fir. Cooperating with the government, two newspapers, the St. Louis Republic and the New York Herald, each gave the substitute print-papers a thorough try-out on their presses by running out parts of regular editions under ordinary pressroom conditions, on rolls of paper shipped from the experimental laboratory, and each reported that the substitute papers were in every way practicable for their use.

Adoption of the so-called uniform partnership law for the state of Massachusetts is a subject being studied by the members of the Massachusetts Bar Association in anticipation of its coming before the next session of the legislature for action. The act has been drafted under the auspices of the board of commissioners for the promotion of uniformity of legislation in the United States. Pennsylvania is the first state to adopt it, and it is understood that Wisconsin has now followed suit, and that at least one other state has done likewise.

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Mote and Beam
July 24, 1915

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