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Overcoming Fear
There is a natural desire on the part of the majority of the beneficiaries of Christian Science to understand why and how it is that they have been healed, even after materia medica has pronounced them hopeless or incurable. In most instances they are not content until they have entered upon the study of the text-book and begun to demonstrate its teachings. When they have once put the truth to the test for themselves, they begin to realize its possibilities in the incidents of every-day living,—in the office, the store, or the home,—and are eager for a full understanding. As in all other sciences, however, there is no royal road to learning, and he who would know the truth for himself must study Science and Health and faithfully solve his problems by the rules there laid down.
The more Christian Scientists know of this wonderful truth the keener is their realization that their most urgent need is to make practical use of the teachings of their text-book, Science and Health. As a first step in this direction they should turn to page 410 of this book and read and ponder these words: "Christian scientific practice begins with Christ's keynote of harmony, 'Be not afraid!'" then to page 192, where they will find the statement, "Evil is not power." To be afraid, or to give power to evil, is to admit that there is a creator apart from God, good, an admission which in effect denies that first and fundamental plank of Christianity, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
Elsewhere in Science and Health Mrs. Eddy makes many statements of similar nature, notably the one on page 454, where she writes, "The understanding, even in a degree, of the divine All-power destroys fear, and plants the feet in the true path,—the path which leads to the house built without hands 'eternal in the heavens.' Human hate has no legitimate mandate and no kingdom. Love is enthroned. That evil or matter has neither intelligence nor power, is the doctrine of absolute Christian Science, and this is the great truth which strips all disguise from error." To admit fear is to deny the omnipresence and omnipotence of Truth, for if God is everywhere, filling all space, evil has no place nor power. It is from such statements as these that Christian Scientists have been able to draw the courage and inspiration which has enabled them to meet practically every phase of evil without flinching. The understanding that God is omnipotent does not tolerate a belief that there is or can be another power called evil, nor does it tolerate a fear of that which it knows does not exist.
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January 23, 1915 issue
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"Safety first"
Acknowledging the Divine Idea
Denial of Error
"Let there be light"
People have differed about almost everything involved in...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
Within less than half a century Christian Science has been...
Paul Stark Seeley
In the report of Mr.—'s sermon, I find that this evangelist...
John L. Rendall
A recent copy of Emanu-El contains an article entitled...
Thomas F. Watson
O blessed means of ease, whereby to bring...
Arthur F. Fuller
Overcoming Fear
Archibald McLellan
"No other gods"
John B. Willis
Mystery Ended
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Thomas E. Boland, A. L. P. Hunter, F. C. Raney, Frederick W. Carr, F. Elmo Robinson, John F. Carroll, Caroline Barnes
My interest in Christian Science was awakened through...
Arthur H. Wolfe
I am so thankful for what Christian Science has done for...
Allen G. Mygrant
Words cannot express my gratitude to Christian Science...
Mrs. J. Ringeisen, Jr.
Christian Science was first brought to my notice by a...
Rose Giddings
My purpose in sending my testimony to the Sentinel is...
D. E. Stephens
In August, 1911, I went into the country, and after being...
Beatrice Cross
I wish to express my thankfulness to God for Christian Science...
Barney Rucker, Sr.
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Charles R. Henderson, M. H. Moore, Archdeacon Basil Wilberforce