A nation-wide
crusade to prevent accidents has been taken up by newspapers and magazines, and it seems to have the commendation of public sentiment everywhere.
infrequently we hear some one say, when speaking of a healing brought about through his understanding of the truth, "Of course, you know God did the healing; I had nothing whatever to do with it.
upon a mountain top, one of the mighty Sierras of southern California, in the early dawn, with the mist and fog rolling and tossing all around and below like the great billows of a mighty sea, with no land visible save that on which one is standing, thought is lifted in wonder and awe at the seeming might and majesty expressed in this grand view.
times through the year do Christian Scientists pause to offer thanks to God for the ever-ascending pathway outlined by our Lesson-Sermons in the refreshing and healing references given us month after month, and also for the demonstrations which follow their study.
People have differed about almost everything involved in the destiny of mankind, but there is one point on which thoughtful men are quite generally agreed.
O blessed means of ease, whereby to bringOur burdens, hopes, ambitions to His feetIn meekness, trusting in His mercy sweet,—The worthiness of our eternal King!Thus to the winds may we our worries fling,For faith is honored at the mercy-seat;According to His will must we entreat,For then the song of victory we may sing.
is a natural desire on the part of the majority of the beneficiaries of Christian Science to understand why and how it is that they have been healed, even after materia medica has pronounced them hopeless or incurable.
could be more definite or more inclusive than the requirement of the first commandment of the decalogue, and nothing more manifest or more lamentable than the universality of mankind's disobedience thereto.
human mind has always regarded spiritual things as mysterious, and this fact receives due consideration from prophets, apostles, and Christ Jesus himself.
I am so thankful for what Christian Science has done for me that I feel I want to give my testimony to the world, with the hope that it may benefit others and be the means of leading them to our loving Father.
I feel it a duty to write my testimony, it being only another witness to the truth contained in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
Christian Science was first brought to my notice by a friend who had left our chapel and Sunday school for the study of this teaching, and being concerned about his leaving the truth, as I then thought, I decided to study the subject myself in order to show him where he was wrong.
My purpose in sending my testimony to the Sentinel is twofold,—primarily to help some earnest seeker who wishes to know if Christian Science really does heal and if it helps one to a clearer understanding of God, but also to express my thankfulness to God and to let the many kind friends who helped me to an understanding of the truth know that they did help, both by words and actions, even though I paid no attention at the time.
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