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If it were true, as stated in the summary of a sermon in a...
The Daily Democrat
If it were true, as stated in the summary of a sermon in a recent issue, that the practice of Christian Science is merely mind over matter, or Mr. Quimby's magnetic treatment good only for "nervous" diseases, it might be difficult to accept the statement in the report of the sermon, that the Christian Science church "has more than one million members and is growing rapidly in every part of the world."
Undoubtedly Christian Science is growing rapidly throughout the world, and the quality of this growth is even more significant than the quantity thereof, for the adherents of Christian Science have been recruited in a very large degree from among those who turned to it only in the greatest need,—the desperately sick, the deeply distressed and fearful ones, who required prompt, substantial, and practical help, and who evidently have found what they so earnestly sought. The nature of the experiences of its followers is the most effective answer to any and all attempts to connect it with irrational teachings which no sensible individual would accept.
Christian Science is not pantheism. It acknowledges both creator and creation, and that the one is not the other. If it were a contention of Christian Science that there is no evil in the world, Christian Scientists would not be found everywhere devoting themselves diligently to the overcoming of evil. In fact Christian Science reveals the whole truth about evil, a knowledge essential to an intelligent handling of the problem, and thus eliminates the necessity of ignoring anything. This Science ignores no facts, but the same cannot be said of one who shuts his eyes to the evidence that Christian Science healing is in no sense limited to so-called nervous disorders. Proof of the healing of various forms of organic disease is just as abundant and complete as of the alleged simpler cases.
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January 23, 1915 issue
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"Safety first"
Acknowledging the Divine Idea
Denial of Error
"Let there be light"
People have differed about almost everything involved in...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
Within less than half a century Christian Science has been...
Paul Stark Seeley
In the report of Mr.—'s sermon, I find that this evangelist...
John L. Rendall
A recent copy of Emanu-El contains an article entitled...
Thomas F. Watson
O blessed means of ease, whereby to bring...
Arthur F. Fuller
Overcoming Fear
Archibald McLellan
"No other gods"
John B. Willis
Mystery Ended
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Thomas E. Boland, A. L. P. Hunter, F. C. Raney, Frederick W. Carr, F. Elmo Robinson, John F. Carroll, Caroline Barnes
My interest in Christian Science was awakened through...
Arthur H. Wolfe
I am so thankful for what Christian Science has done for...
Allen G. Mygrant
Words cannot express my gratitude to Christian Science...
Mrs. J. Ringeisen, Jr.
Christian Science was first brought to my notice by a...
Rose Giddings
My purpose in sending my testimony to the Sentinel is...
D. E. Stephens
In August, 1911, I went into the country, and after being...
Beatrice Cross
I wish to express my thankfulness to God for Christian Science...
Barney Rucker, Sr.
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Charles R. Henderson, M. H. Moore, Archdeacon Basil Wilberforce