I wish to express my gratitude for all the benefits received...

I wish to express my gratitude for all the benefits received through the study and practice of Christian Science. We have been in Science a little more than two years, and in that time I have had to call on a practitioner only once. I have been healed of a stomach disorder in its worst form, just by the reading of the Bible and Science and Health.

My husband has also been healed of many ailments. For over eighteen years he suffered from headaches and stomach troubles; also a defect of the eye, the sight being almost gone. He consulted some of the most prominent oculists in Chicago, and they told him the nerves of the eye were dead; that it would be only a matter of time when the other eye would be affected, leaving him blind. They advised him to quit work, as it was too much of a strain on the eyes. Christian Science has broken these material laws, and we are so glad to say that although the healing is not quite complete, his sight is getting stronger day by day, and we are sure it will be perfect soon. My husband had not attended any church for over fifteen years until we came to Science, and now he seldom misses a Sunday evening service. I hope the time will come when he can also attend the Wednesday evening meetings. We are indeed grateful for what Christian Science has done for us.—Lillian Sals, Chicago, Ill.

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Testimony of Healing
I feel it a duty to write my testimony, it being only...
January 23, 1915

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