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Items of Interest
Further development of Alaska's system of roads and trails cannot be expected unless Congress increases the allotment of funds, declares Col. William P. Richardson, president of the Alaskan board of road commissioners, in his annual report to the war department. He submitted a plan for the extension of the roads covering a period of three years, with an estimate of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the first year. The funds allotted, he says, are now entirely consumed in repairing and maintaining the existing roads. This, he says, will virtually become a fixed condition from year to year, with the amount of mileage now required to be maintained, and although additional new projects, all more or less meritorious, are being presented to the board every year, with petitions for aid, it is impossible for the board to respond, except to a very limited degree.
Commissioned by Gen. Venustiano Carranza, first chief of the Constitutionalists in Mexico, five women and two men, teachers in schools in Mexico City, are in Boston to study educational institutions preparatory to an upbuilding of Mexico through educational channels, should Carranza come into permanent power. The teachers are to remain from one to three years, learning the English language and thoroughly acquainting themselves with the educational ideals, systems, and methods of the city. At the end of that time they are expected to be in a position to act as advisers to the Mexican government in educational matters and take the lead in educational activities.
Radical reform in the structure and application of law is the aim of the Association of the Bar of the city of New York. This is expressed in the report of the law reform committee of that body just issued. The needed reforms, according to the committee, are almost wholly in the direction of criminal law, and while they apply directly to the laws of New York, from the wide interest taken in them and from the extensive inquiry prosecuted by the committee, any action taken by the New York association is considered likely to affect to an important degree the status of law throughout the land. The first recommendation is in the direction of curtailing to some extent the rights enjoyed by an accused person on trial in any criminal action.
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January 23, 1915 issue
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"Safety first"
Acknowledging the Divine Idea
Denial of Error
"Let there be light"
People have differed about almost everything involved in...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
Within less than half a century Christian Science has been...
Paul Stark Seeley
In the report of Mr.—'s sermon, I find that this evangelist...
John L. Rendall
A recent copy of Emanu-El contains an article entitled...
Thomas F. Watson
O blessed means of ease, whereby to bring...
Arthur F. Fuller
Overcoming Fear
Archibald McLellan
"No other gods"
John B. Willis
Mystery Ended
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Thomas E. Boland, A. L. P. Hunter, F. C. Raney, Frederick W. Carr, F. Elmo Robinson, John F. Carroll, Caroline Barnes
My interest in Christian Science was awakened through...
Arthur H. Wolfe
I am so thankful for what Christian Science has done for...
Allen G. Mygrant
Words cannot express my gratitude to Christian Science...
Mrs. J. Ringeisen, Jr.
Christian Science was first brought to my notice by a...
Rose Giddings
My purpose in sending my testimony to the Sentinel is...
D. E. Stephens
In August, 1911, I went into the country, and after being...
Beatrice Cross
I wish to express my thankfulness to God for Christian Science...
Barney Rucker, Sr.
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Charles R. Henderson, M. H. Moore, Archdeacon Basil Wilberforce