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My interest in Christian Science was awakened through...
My interest in Christian Science was awakened through the reading of some copies of the Sentinel and the Journal given to me by a friend. While carefully perusing these periodicals, the Bible, which I studied in connection therewith, became a book of inspiration, although it had formerly brought me a sense of confusion in that I could not reconcile myself to its seeming contradictions. I now feel that it is only a just acknowledgment of my thankfulness to God, and my present attitude toward this living truth so beautifully revealed to us by Mrs. Eddy, to tell of some of the ways in which I was benefited at that time, for I had not yet read Science and Health.
It was in April, 1899, that I received and read the periodicals, and the twenty-first of the following month I discontinued the use of drugs and began to rely upon Christian Science as my guide to health and harmony; since the idea of a religion that could heal the sick appealed to me and brought me new hope. From the days of my childhood I frequently had severe headache, and for several years had suffered, a great deal from stomach trouble and bilious attacks, which had sometimes resulted in bilious colic. Not unlike other sufferers from these physical ailments, I had become a slave to certain dietetic rules, but the truth was now taking root. As I began to learn that everything God made is eternal and indestructible, and that He governs the universe, including man, the afflictions correspondingly disappeared, and I began to eat without fear whatever came my way, and to enjoy it. The benefit which I had received up to this time, however, was only the twilight of a fuller realization of the power of infinite Love.
I now began to read Science and Health together with the Bible, and in June of the following year I took up the work of healing myself of a diseased condition of the ears, supposedly inherited, which from year to year was becoming more annoying, gradually developing into deafness. From my earliest remembrance there seemed to be various sounds echoing and reechoing, which were not the result of any action of anything apart from myself, but were due to hardened wax pressing the ear-drums, at this time having nearly closed both ears. Not only in an ever-increasing measure did this detract from my already dull sense of hearing, but it added to the sense of roaring and buzzing, from which for several years I had not had an hour of freedom.
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January 23, 1915 issue
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"Safety first"
Acknowledging the Divine Idea
Denial of Error
"Let there be light"
People have differed about almost everything involved in...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
Within less than half a century Christian Science has been...
Paul Stark Seeley
In the report of Mr.—'s sermon, I find that this evangelist...
John L. Rendall
A recent copy of Emanu-El contains an article entitled...
Thomas F. Watson
O blessed means of ease, whereby to bring...
Arthur F. Fuller
Overcoming Fear
Archibald McLellan
"No other gods"
John B. Willis
Mystery Ended
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Thomas E. Boland, A. L. P. Hunter, F. C. Raney, Frederick W. Carr, F. Elmo Robinson, John F. Carroll, Caroline Barnes
My interest in Christian Science was awakened through...
Arthur H. Wolfe
I am so thankful for what Christian Science has done for...
Allen G. Mygrant
Words cannot express my gratitude to Christian Science...
Mrs. J. Ringeisen, Jr.
Christian Science was first brought to my notice by a...
Rose Giddings
My purpose in sending my testimony to the Sentinel is...
D. E. Stephens
In August, 1911, I went into the country, and after being...
Beatrice Cross
I wish to express my thankfulness to God for Christian Science...
Barney Rucker, Sr.
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Charles R. Henderson, M. H. Moore, Archdeacon Basil Wilberforce