It is with deepest gratitude that I wish to tell what God...

It is with deepest gratitude that I wish to tell what God has done and is doing for us all, through this wonderful healing truth of Christian Science. It is now seven years since I first heard of this teaching through my sister's instantaneous healing of an eruption on her hands. She herself knew so little of Christian Science, and I was so hungry to know more of this good news (which really to me did seem too good to be true, because I had been taught that God sent all our troubles to us), that she introduced me to a lady living quite near us who had been a Christian Scientist a number of years. When this lady explained what Christian Science really is, I felt I could not thank God enough for all His love.

A few weeks after this, we had occasion to prove the truth. My little boy, aged six, was taken very ill with measles. I asked my husband if I should send for a doctor or should prove Christian Science. He liked the idea of trusting God absolutely, and on his way to business he left a note for the Christian Scientist. When she arrived, she spoke so lovingly and confidently that I had a beautiful sense of rest and peace, and a sweet consciousness of God's ever-presence.

The boy slept nearly all day and all night, which was most unusual. He had been very ill a few months before this, and the doctor had said he would always be delicate and would require a lot of care, and that I should never allow him to go out in damp weather; indeed, he made me think it almost a pity the child should have come into the world at all if he was to be so frail all his life. When the child awoke in the morning he said, "Mama, I am all better; I want to get up." My husband and I were overjoyed; it seemed to us then so wonderful! When the lady came, I told her the child was much better, and she said, "Of course he is; did you not expect he would be?" I then told her all about his other ills, and she said we must know the truth about them. In less than a week the boy was out, although it was very cold. This was the end of the entire trouble,—cough, bilious attacks, all had to yield to the healing power of Truth. He has been perfectly well ever since. He is now thirteen years old, but every one thinks he is much older, because he is so big and strong.

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Testimony of Healing
It is eighteen years since I first learned of Christian Science
August 8, 1914

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