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"Live and let live"
The familar saying, "Live and let live," is usually thought of in relation to the business world, but like everything else it takes on a broader meaning when viewed in the light of Christian Science. Wherever applied, it may recall the admonition of St. Paul, "Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others." It is too often forgotten that the prosperity of one means the prosperity of all, and conversely, that the misfortune of one is shared in a measure by all. It is therefore of the utmost importance that we learn as soon as possible how to "live," that our living may tend toward universal harmony. Mrs. Eddy gives the true explanation of this fact of the underlying unity of all being when she says, "In the scientific relation of God to man, we find that whatever blesses one blesses all, as Jesus showed with the loaves and the fishes,—Spirit, not matter, being the source of supply" (Science and Health, p. 206). Until the concluding part of this statement is understood, we know neither how to live nor to let live.
So long as the belief is entertained that the supply for human need is material, hence limited, people do not live in any true sense. They are in constant fear that their health and strength will fail, be exhausted, or that those dear to them will suffer in the same way. Closely associated with this, is the fear of poverty; yet all the while the voice of Truth is saying, "I, even I, am he that comforteth you." Isaiah, who gives us this message, goes on to speak of the "captive exile," who hastens to be loosed "that he should not die in the pit, nor that his bread should fail." This expresses most graphically the state of thousands who are awakened in Christian Science and bidden to "stand up," to live, as all God's children should.
Inasmuch as Life is for all, we cannot too soon find out what Life means in Christian Science. As we proceed to do this, we learn that Life does not include sin or disease, nor even selfishness, which is limitation, and it is surely evident that it cannot include death. If death could exist in Life, then Life would be finite and would tend toward annihilation, as material sense would indicate. This, happily, is shown to be untrue as we begin to live in the understanding of God as our Life, and we have but to ponder the life of Christ Jesus to see what living meant to him. In the presence of the last enemy he needed but to declare the one infinite Life, and the so-called dead awoke from their sleep. In storm and tempest he proved Life's perpetual harmony, and he had nothing less than eternal life to offer his followers. "Because I live, ye shall live also," were his words.
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June 13, 1914 issue
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The Demands of Truth
Independent Work
Offending God
Wayside Hymn
In a recent issue of your paper there is printed a brief...
Frederick Dixon
I have been a long-time reader of your One-minute Sermons...
Charles D. Reynolds
If the Rev. Mr.—really believes Christian Science to...
Paul Stark Seeley
The Duty of Today
Archibald McLellan
"The one thing"
John B. Willis
"Live and let live"
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Hugh H. Tweedy, Charles E. von Heitman, E. M. Ramsay, Edward H. Holmes, Frank Jarrell, Leon G. Miles, Richard P. Verrall
Christian Science first came to my home some sixteen...
Rachel A. Banister
On Nov. 13, 1911, my little girl, aged five, was taken ill...
H. G. Kennard with contributions from A. Kennard
A heart filled with gratitude for what Christian Science...
Nathaniel Colyer
I have desired for some time to express my gratitude for...
Bessie M. Milnes
I send the following testimony to express my gratitude...
John O. Benson
I have long thought of sending in my testimony as an...
Hester Carr with contributions from K. C. O'Meara
Great joy and gratitude prompt me herewith to testify...
Frieda Friedel
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from R. J. Campbell, A. R. Henderson