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The following statement, familiar to all Christian Scientists, is read from The Christian Science Quarterly at each Sunday service, as an introduction to the Lesson-Sermon: "The Bible and the Christian Science text-book are our only preachers" (p. 4). A perfectly legitimate question often arises in the thought of the beginner in the study of the Lesson-Sermons, with reference to the use of passages from the Bible and their correlative passages from the Christian Science text-book. To the one who may approach this subject from the standpoint of one of the older churches, wherein the Bible has been strongly emphasized as a sacred book, the question is apt to present itself, "Why this new book if its teaching is all from the Bible? Why may I not receive the same benefit through a study of the Bible alone?" On the other hand, a Jewish friend said to the writer, "The thought keeps coming to me, Why the Bible? Of course I know it to be a very old and wonderful book, but what do I know about it, and why the two books?"
The real value of any given authority, whether sacred or secular, lies in the trueness of the perspective it brings to bear upon the subject of which it treats. No scientific progress toward an objective point, either physical or metaphysical, can be achieved without a right perspective, and this point is attained only through correlation. An illustration of this fact may be found in the work of the surveyor, who in establishing a grade uses two instruments; one he calls the leveling-instrument, while the other is designated as the leveling-rod. The first, with its level and telescope, is a splendid type of the Bible as a book of spiritual experience and law, coming down to the human sense, while the conclusions drawn in the Christian Science text-book parallel the status of the leveling-rod as a focus point for the wonderful view of Truth which the Bible contains.
This leveling-instrument, the Bible, is of value only in so far as its use is understood and applied in a practical manner. Superstitious sentiment has nothing whatever to do with the intelligent application of its teaching; it must be squared by the rule of eternal Truth and leveled by the spirit of Love. Too long has mankind been like an untutored surveyor, trudging down through the centuries, seeking the promised land of peace and happiness, his instrument under his arm but absolutely ignorant as to its real use. Half believing its record of past experience, half hoping for the fulfilment of its prophecies as to future peace, blinded by superstition and ignorance, he has found no clear perspective, no rule of procedure, no point of demonstration whereby he may enter into a better state of consciousness through an unfoldment and realization of its promises, whereas, in Christian Science, proofs of Truth's healing power are to be found at every step of the way.
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June 13, 1914 issue
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The Demands of Truth
Independent Work
Offending God
Wayside Hymn
In a recent issue of your paper there is printed a brief...
Frederick Dixon
I have been a long-time reader of your One-minute Sermons...
Charles D. Reynolds
If the Rev. Mr.—really believes Christian Science to...
Paul Stark Seeley
The Duty of Today
Archibald McLellan
"The one thing"
John B. Willis
"Live and let live"
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Hugh H. Tweedy, Charles E. von Heitman, E. M. Ramsay, Edward H. Holmes, Frank Jarrell, Leon G. Miles, Richard P. Verrall
Christian Science first came to my home some sixteen...
Rachel A. Banister
On Nov. 13, 1911, my little girl, aged five, was taken ill...
H. G. Kennard with contributions from A. Kennard
A heart filled with gratitude for what Christian Science...
Nathaniel Colyer
I have desired for some time to express my gratitude for...
Bessie M. Milnes
I send the following testimony to express my gratitude...
John O. Benson
I have long thought of sending in my testimony as an...
Hester Carr with contributions from K. C. O'Meara
Great joy and gratitude prompt me herewith to testify...
Frieda Friedel
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from R. J. Campbell, A. R. Henderson