Federal aid for improvements on the Illinois and Mississippi rivers, to carry out the Great-Lakes-to-the-Gulf waterway plan, is recommended to Congress by Secretary Garrison.
the Indian legends, which have been forever crystallized in Longfellow's "Song of Hiawatha," is the one which tells how Pau-Puk-Keewis, the "Storm Fool," found Hiawatha's wigwam unprotected one morning, and having done all the mischief he could in the house, went on to kill all the birds that fluttered round about the dwelling.
work in Christian Science should be governed by divine Principle, and every treatment should so rise above material conditions that we consciously enter into the kingdom of heaven, where the peace and health sought for are inevitably found.
only to a fewLone shepherds of the fieldThe night with glory shone,The heavenly anthem pealed;Not only to one ageThat peace on earth, good will;Not only to one raceWas Christ born to fulfil.
Under the heading "Spiritualism" in a recent issue, there is a letter in which the writer states that not long ago a series of lectures was given by a Christian Scientist in Paignton, at Deller's café.
The Christianity that healed the sick in the first century and proved itself a health-giving power, is the Christianity which Christian Science is making operative in the twentieth century.
Recently I related in this column the facts about the refusal of a leading life insurance company to issue a policy to a Christian Scientist unless he would agree in case of serious illness to call in a regular physician.
Christian Science for more than a generation has been calling attention to the fact that God could not have made man out of the dust of the ground, for the reason that God "created man in his own image.
It seems strange that a Christian clergyman who professes to be a follower in the footsteps of the meek and humble Jesus should prefer to devote his time to attacking Christian Science, rather than pointing his hearers to such better means of salvation as he may have to offer.
Christian Science is not the faltering faith which rests on a blind belief; it is the faith which is an enlightened understanding of God, Spirit, and of man's relationship to Him.
the publication of "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany," many letters have been received at headquarters expressing great gratitude for this book, and for the opportunity it has given to Christian Scientists to become more familiar with Mrs.
moment one recognizes the metaphysical fact revealed in Christian Science, that all real life is a manifestation of the activity of infinite Being, that moment he must realize that the phrase "an unprogressive life" involves a contradiction of terms.
of the most thrilling passages in the New Testament is to be found in the fourth chapter of Luke, which records the first public appearance in Nazareth of Christ Jesus as a religious teacher.
I became interested in Christian Science through the healing of a member of our immediate family of a chronic bowel difficulty of twenty-five years' standing.
As it is considerably over two years since I was healed by Christian Science treatment of a so-called incurable type of heart-disease, it occurred to me that a statement from me for our publications might, in a small measure, help to pay the deep debt of gratitude I owe to this cause, as my experience would in this way reach, and perhaps influence, some others who may need Christian Science as much as I did.
Andrew found the Christ, so long ago,He went to where his brother, on the sand,Mended the nets, and, Come with me, he said,A wondrous thing hath happened! Hand in handThey hurried back until they reached the placeWhere Jesus sat.
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