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True to Type
There is no one element of human life that is more vital to continued good health than man's right to his own individuality, his own self-expression and control. This basic fact underlies every revolt of mankind against his oppressors, for it is a fundamental test of manhood. Christian Science not only conserves this right, "but confers upon man enlarged individuality, a wider sphere of thought and action, a more expansive love, a higher and more permanent peace" (Science and Health. p. 265).
A more specious denial of the validity of Christian Science teachings could hardly have been framed than that the emphasis of the allness of God means the belittling of man; and no accusation could be less becoming on the part of the advocates of the present social régime, tending so decidedly as it does to hamper the individual with the fears and traditions of the many. This very ironing-out process, by means of which individual conception and initiative are so held in check that both our thinking and our productive processes tend to conform to a fixed mechanical order, constitutes one of the most serious charges against so-called modern civilizaiton. Any machine-made product which departs from its prescribed model has no place provided for it but the scrap-heap; and a machine-made civilization has no more mercy and provides no better place for wanderers from its mechanically dogmatic and static notions. Variations from its standards are looked upon as anomalous discards, who fight out their cause in life, who maintain their place, if at all, against and in spite of the frowns of entrenched, pattern-made virtue. Mankind almost always suspects a genius and abuses a reformer, until it learns, perchance, to use them to the increase of its own comfort.
The monotonous level of the machine process has appeared strongly barricaded in our schools. The same leveling up or leveling down has been going on in the churches, in society, and in government. Even popular opinion and sentiment have come under this false law, and both are today manufactured at will by a designing press. Our political campaigns are cases in point. More than one of our national or racial, class or religious likes and dislikes is press-made or pulpit-made. Many an honest man would have good reason to blush for holding some cherished opinions and theories if they could only be traced to their original source.
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November 29, 1913 issue
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True to Type
Learning to Pray Aright
Fear Overcome by Truth
One of your contributors asks what is the secret of the...
Frederick Dixon
As quoted in a recent issue, Dr. Rowena Morse Mann of...
George Shaw Cook
At the Anglican church congress at Brisbane Dr. Radford...
David Anderson
I have read in a recent issue the report of a meeting in your...
John M. Henderson
In a recent issue appear Mr. Ted Smith's remarks about...
John W. Doorly
In a recent sermon a clergyman of an orthodox church...
Charles K. Skinner
It would have been better for Evangelist Brown and his...
Thomas F. Watson
A recent issue of The Evening Times contains mention of...
John L. Rendall
Love's Presence
"A false, convenient peace"*
Archibald McLellan
"Awake thou"
John B. Willis
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from H. H. McMurtrie, Fred T. Woodford , C. H. S. King, Alice Muzzy MacCaslin, William S. Deyo
The heart of every true Christian Scientist constantly...
Priscilla M. Hogg
I am thankful to God for what Christian Science has done...
Henry C. Hallam
About twenty years ago I was taken with a very severe...
Theo. Lemieux
Nearly thirty years ago my husband had many severe...
Robert L. Henry
Mrs. Eddy tells us that "divine Love always has met and...
Winifred B. Schutten
I am glad to testify to the work done for me in Christian Science
Mattie M. Paschal
It is with deepest thankfulness to God, and gratitude to our...
Katherine Eldridge
I am indeed happy to give my testimony to what Christian Science...
R. Fisher with contributions from M. G. Fetter
It is with feelings of the deepest gratitude to our heavenly...
Harold Tassiker
For the past seven years I have had no medical treatment,...
H. Bruce Fletcher
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from W. E. Orchard, Asa Sleeth