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Learning to Pray Aright
Christian Science brings the knowledge which enables us to pray aright, and to pray aright means to have prayer answered. Every Christian Scientist is working to gain this knowledge, and is thereby coming into man's true inheritance of wisdom and power as a child of God. Many thoughtful persons are asking why the Christian Science church is growing so rapidly and why its adherents are so loyal and enthusiastic. The answer is found in the testimony given by Christian Scientists the world over, that they have learned how to pray aright, and that their prayers have been answered, so that they now approach the throne of grace with confidence and boldness. The people are echoing the words of the psalmist: "O Lord my God, I cried unto thee, and thou has healed me." "This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles."
In personal relations, in business, in every condition and experience, Christian Scientists have seen the salvation of God. The answers to prayer are actual demonstrations here and now of healing and regeneration, of prosperity, peace, and power. And this is the secret of the progress of Christian Science. Who would not be loyal and enthusiastic when he has come know that God is really "a very present help in trouble"? True religion is based on faith in God, who will help men if they turn to Him aright. Jesus taught that God is our Father, and that if we pray to Him aright, we may ask what we will and it shall be given unto us. He also taught that if we have faith in God, we shall be endowed with the power of divine Truth to remove mountains, to work righteousness, to heal the sick, to do even greater works than Jesus himself did. He taught that the world is thus to be saved.
Because prayer has not been answered, the church has almost ceased to believe in its practical value. Christian leaders and teachers are saying that in these days of enlightenment and progress material means have taken the place of the direct power of God; that men must answer their own prayers by using common sense and the means at hand. They accept the saying that "God helps them that help themselves." If they are sick, they are wont to call for a doctor to administer drugs. If they are in darkness or trouble, they look to the wisdom of men and books. Even sin is reduced to physical weakness or deficiency, which is to be healed by education or environment or medical treatment, or even the knife. Thus men, good men, are coming to think that the world is to be saved by material science and human philosophy, and that education, not prayer, is the hope of the race. But if the world is to be saved by education in material knowledge and by scholarship, the university is far better equipped to teach saving truth than is the church. And this is one of the secrets of present-day conditions, the waning power of professional Christianity.
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November 29, 1913 issue
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Learning to Pray Aright
Fear Overcome by Truth
One of your contributors asks what is the secret of the...
Frederick Dixon
As quoted in a recent issue, Dr. Rowena Morse Mann of...
George Shaw Cook
At the Anglican church congress at Brisbane Dr. Radford...
David Anderson
I have read in a recent issue the report of a meeting in your...
John M. Henderson
In a recent issue appear Mr. Ted Smith's remarks about...
John W. Doorly
In a recent sermon a clergyman of an orthodox church...
Charles K. Skinner
It would have been better for Evangelist Brown and his...
Thomas F. Watson
A recent issue of The Evening Times contains mention of...
John L. Rendall
Love's Presence
"A false, convenient peace"*
Archibald McLellan
"Awake thou"
John B. Willis
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from H. H. McMurtrie, Fred T. Woodford , C. H. S. King, Alice Muzzy MacCaslin, William S. Deyo
The heart of every true Christian Scientist constantly...
Priscilla M. Hogg
I am thankful to God for what Christian Science has done...
Henry C. Hallam
About twenty years ago I was taken with a very severe...
Theo. Lemieux
Nearly thirty years ago my husband had many severe...
Robert L. Henry
Mrs. Eddy tells us that "divine Love always has met and...
Winifred B. Schutten
I am glad to testify to the work done for me in Christian Science
Mattie M. Paschal
It is with deepest thankfulness to God, and gratitude to our...
Katherine Eldridge
I am indeed happy to give my testimony to what Christian Science...
R. Fisher with contributions from M. G. Fetter
It is with feelings of the deepest gratitude to our heavenly...
Harold Tassiker
For the past seven years I have had no medical treatment,...
H. Bruce Fletcher
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from W. E. Orchard, Asa Sleeth