Encouraged by its success in its campaign for the national pure food law, the International Stewards Association is now planning for a hotel training school and promotion of the movement to protect consumers against short weight and measurement in the purchase of goods sold in containers.
Truth first challenges the resisting ardor of the human will, there sometimes comes this hard question to prove the student: If God is of purer eyes than to look upon inquiry, why did He send a predestined and proclaimed Redeemer to save the human race from its obvious evil?
find in the book of Acts, Peter's emphatic declaration that "God is no respecter of persons," and an article on the finding of a home which appeared in the Sentinel a few months ago brought this vividly to my thought.
studying our text-book, Science and Health, the thought contained in the paragraph on <a class="tome-reference"
two years ago we moved into a new neighborhood, and looking out of the window one morning we noticed several fruit trees, all of which appeared to be thriving but one, and that one seemed to be entirely dead.
The appeal of Christian Science was distinctly from the letter to the spirit; from externalism—from rite, form, and ritual and whatever appealed preeminently to the physical senses—to the great spiritual verities.
A Christian is one who accepts and practises the teachings of Jesus the Christ, and it would be difficult to find a body of people to whom these teachings are of greater value and importance than the Christian Scientists.
Our critic apparently thinks that Christian healing is a process of mental suggestion; but if you can suggest what is supposed to be good to a person, you can with equal certainty suggest what is evil.
A student of Christian Science who can measurably demonstrate its teaching gains this understanding—that God created man in the image and likeness of Himself, spiritual and perfect.
Jesus' disciples, also the apostle Paul and the early Christians for three hundred years after Jesus' time, healed the sick as an essential and fundamental part of the Christian religion.
It is easy for the not very close investigator into Christian Science to gather an exaggerated impression of the importance Christian Science attaches to the healing of disease.
is a wonderfully accurate balancing of the scales of justice in that petition we daily take upon our lips, though perhaps without fully comprehending all that is therein implied.
wonderful story of the feeding of the multitude by Christ Jesus is told by the four evangelists, and it is noteworthy that each of them prefaces his account with a statement of the healing work done at this same time by the Master.
daring of David when but a boy he faced the mighty man of the Philistines, would seem presumptuous, illy authorized, were one to judge with respect to their disparity in physical prowess and fighting equipment, but its sufficient warrant is recognized when he is heard to say to the giant boaster: "Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts.
Some time ago a passage in a testimony in the Sentinel brought home to me more clearly than ever before my great debt to our beloved Leader, and seemed to explain how it was that Truth had been revealed to me in the wonderful way in which it had been some years ago.
I had a long illness, was in bed, prostrated, for fifteen months, was in a hospital five times, spent hundreds of dollars, and was left a physical wreck, a cripple, scarcely able to walk, and still a constant sufferer.
In writing this testimonial of gratitude for healing received through the ministrations of Christian Science, it is only possible for me to express a small part of the joy and blessings which have come to me in the last few years as a result of the physical and mental healing.
In February, 1909, I was engaged in blasting trees from Boulder river, and in handling the powder became what is known as "blasted," that is, blind, and suffered from the worst headaches I had ever known.
In looking over the Sentinel, I see many testimonies from the northern states and only a few from the South, but I want to let others know that Christian Science is doing good here too.
I began the study of Christian Science about five years ago, and I was healed in a few weeks of numerous complaints, simply through reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
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