Experiments by the postoffice department for the last ten weeks show that the government can effect an immense saving by shipping a large part of its second-class mail matter by freight cars rather than in mail cars, as heretofore.
metaphysical thinkers are employing the phrase, "the eternal regress," to designate the supposed futility of pursuing a class of metaphysical questionings.
Christian Scientists
who are readers of the periodicals which the wise forethought of our Leader prompted her to provide for their instruction and guidance, certainly have not lacked plain and forceful reminders of the demands, opportunities, possibilities, and duties that are brought to them in these times.
mothers, and to teachers in our Sunday schools, there comes frequently a very intense longing to be better able to express to the little ones the means by which they themselves are enabled to quiet the uprisings of mortal mind and to quell the disturbances of human desire and temperament.
workers in His vineyard—blessed band!Their lamps are ever trimmed, and brightly glow,Shedding the light of Truth o'er every land;Illuming all the paths where mortals go.
The claim that there is no curative virtue in any but the "recognized" medical schools is contrary to the belief of large numbers of people who have rights in the premises that must be respected.
In connection with a lecture recently delivered in your city against Christian Science, I desire to commend to the careful attention of the speaker and his hearers the seventh chapter of Matthew, where we read, "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged.
In an account of the formation of a religious society recently, reference was made by one of its members to Christian Science, in which it was assumed that a Christian Science practitioner was essential to effect a cure of physical ills in Christian Science.
tender flower throughout the hours of dayUplifts its face before the sun's warm lightWith grateful joy; but with the fall of nightIts petals close till comes the dawn's glad ray.
the Scriptures we find many references which show the necessity of holding fast the truth once gained, these words of Christ Jesus being peculiarly impressive: "Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.
Following the world-wide publication of editorials and articles relative to the life and work of Mary Baker Eddy, and especially the excerpts from the editorials which appeared in the Sentinel from Dec.
It is with a sense of deep gratitude and unspeakable love that I add my testimony to those of the many who are daily thanking God through our periodicals.
In gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me, I herewith gladly testify to the following: For seventeen years I was a great sufferer with hemorrhoids, and during all these years was scarcely one day entirely free from pain; in fact, my suffering became almost unbearable.
I have had many striking proofs of the healing power of the word of God, and am very grateful for the understanding, the true knowledge of God which has come to me through the earnest study of our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
In sending this testimony it is with a sense of gratitude and love for this saving truth which is being made so clear to me through "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by our beloved Leader, Mrs.
Laura C. Allen
with contributions from Anna Cunninghame Graham
I feel I have delayed too long about writing to express in the Sentinel my loving gratitude to God for the health and happiness that have come to me through our dear Leader's wonderful book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
We wish to express our gratitude for what Christian Science has done for us, and especially for the healing of our little girl from as severe a case of brain and spinal trouble as I ever saw during the time I used to be a nurse.
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