A new form of declaration blank has been sent to the various steamship lines to be forwarded to the steamship agencies abroad, there to be distributed to passengers leaving for the United States.
was by occupation a humble fisherman, while Paul was a man of learning, of the proud sect of the Pharisees; yet these two men, so dissimilar in education and association with the world, learned to display unity of action of the highest and noblest type in healing the sick and sinning.
phrase, "demonstrating supply," is one which is so often on the lips of students of Christian Science, and indeed is used sometimes in such curious connections, that one is tempted to wonder if the speaker always understands its meaning and what it implies.
page 583 of our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," our Leader gives us a definition of church which it were well for every member of The Mother Church and each branch church to study thoroughly, both with respect to its letter and its spirit.
Once a man admits that infinite Spirit or Mind is the creating, regenerating power of the universe, and that through a condition of mind which we may call faith or spiritual understanding, he can come into actual touch with that life-giving Spirit, and so experience what St.
In a late issue, commenting upon the death of a child under Christian Science treatment, the coroner is quoted as having stated: "The boy was a victim of the unusual belief of his parents.
Thinkers, as well as the merely curious or indifferent, are seeing a remarkable movement termed Christian Science spread throughout the world, rapidly in some localities, slowly in others.
A critic says that "Christian Scientists declare they are discriminated against, because they are not allowed the same privileges as medical practitioners.
I find our clerical brother again attacking Christian Science, and reiterating his view that "cultured and cultivated people" have little or no right "to seek redemption and safety by pleading with Almighty God at the mercy-seat".
Christian Science,
through its insistence upon the reality and allness of good, of necessity throws into corresponding relief the reverse of this proposition, namely, the unreality and nothingness of evil.
prayer, "Cleanse thou me from secret faults," seems peculiarly fitting when we remember how grievously he had sinned "against light," against the truth taught by Moses when he said, "Thou hast set our iniquities.
and physical science have generally been agreed that the material world and all it contains will be destroyed at some period unknown to either science or religion, but people have usually trusted that this great change might not come in their day.
A progressive step in the history of Christian Science in Brooklyn was taken yesterday morning [July 9] in laying the corner-stone of First Church of Christ, Scientist, at the southwest corner of New York avenue and Dean street.
The attention of clerks of branch organizations of The Mother Church is called to the necessity of forwarding to The Christian Science Publishing Society the names of newly appointed First Readers, whether regular or temporary, as soon as selected.
For eighteen years I was almost constantly under the care of physicians, suffering from ills too numerous to mention, including headache, catarrh, and a bowel disorder of three years' standing, from which I was greatly reduced in weight.
I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to God for the many blessings and comforts I am enjoying through the study and application of this new-old truth, as given to us in Science and Health by Mrs.
W. J. Saville
with contributions from William J. Saville
In September, 1907, I went to a hospital with a sore on my foot which the doctor there said was gangrene from a kidney disease, and that I must have it operated on.
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