"He that overcometh," records the Revelator, "shall inherit...

"He that overcometh," records the Revelator, "shall inherit all things;" and Mrs. Eddy teaches in Science and Health (p. 167), that "there is but one way—namely, God and His idea—which leads to spiritual being. The scientific government of the body must be attained through the divine Mind." I should like to express my gratitude for the revelations quoted above; namely, for having been shown the possibility of overcoming evil, and the means of procedure for that overcoming. I understand that the realization of spiritual being is to "inherit all things," and to realize scientific control of the body is an intermediate experience showing the progress we are making.

I had, since becoming a student of music, been subject to bowel trouble, and while the eating of certain food seemed to give relief, with each return to ordinary diet the trouble would be aggravated. After taking up the study of Science and Health and our Leader's other writings, I found that one form of the trouble quickly disappeared, but only recently have I overcome the other. I had realized for some time that "timid conservatism" must not be fostered, and had eaten anything I wished that was on the table. Now, after two years, the victory is assured, and very severe headaches have also vanished. I seem to progress slowly, but I can be no other than encouraged, and I am very grateful to God, to His Son, Christ Jesus, to the inspired writers of the Bible, and to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy. Surely there is abundant reason that we should love and revere those through whom the message of peace has come to mankind.

I am only beginning in Christian Science, but each demonstration makes me stronger and is leading me on and up to that spiritual sense of being which knows no ill but which inherits "all things."

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Testimony of Healing
I am very grateful for all that Christian Science has...
August 8, 1908

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