Christian Science to-day stands for the appearing of...

in "Saxby's," Cincinnati, O

Christian Science to-day stands for the appearing of a great truth, which is unfolding to human consciousness as naturally, scientifically, and irresistibly as did the truth about the solar system. And like all such discoveries in their infancy, Christian Science meets with opposition, and develops and progresses in spite of, rather than in accord with, the evidence of the material senses and traditional rules and teachings. That there is a stir going on, however, and a making way for advanced ideas among popular schools of religion and medicine, is apparent, and that it is due to the leading influences of Christian Science is admitted by authority other than Christian Scientists. Rev. Dr. Robert McDonald of the Washington Avenue Baptist Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., said in a recent sermon, as published in one of the daily papers, "Christian Scientists are praising God for the delivery of the mind from the dominion of matter. The orthodox sectarian service is in comparison a 'Dead March in Saul.' " The Bishop of London says, as published in a current magazine, "Christian Science has gained its hold because of the neglect of the power of mind over matter and the sanctity of the healing art."

One difficulty with critics is, that in their interpretation of Christian Science they do not follow the Scriptural caution about "comparing spiritual things with spiritual." If one indores the Scriptural premise of Christian Science, namely, its definition of God as Spirit, he will not find it difficult to understand the body of the Christian Science text-book, for every statement contained therein is consistently deduced from its premise. The saying is as old as St. Paul, that the wisdom of God [Spirit] is foolishness with men (mortals who interpret materially), and yet we must "let God be true, but every man a liar." Christian Science is none the less scientific because it is not supported by material sense. He who accepts Jesus' explanation of God as Spirit must do so in contravention of material sense, which naturally declares, "I do not believe there is any Spirit, for I do not see any Spirit." After having discredited material sense in order to accept the Christ definition of God as Spirit, one needs only to be logical with such a definition to understand and indorse the entire contents of the Christian Science text-book. Moreover, that the teachings are true and practical is demonstrated in the same manner as a mathematical problem; that is, by actual results, and it is to be noted that vast multitudes of individuals are proving their ability to understand and practise Christian Science by healing sin and sickness.

It is useless to accuse Mrs. Eddy of teaching a doctrine of annihilation. Christian Science destroys no substance, no entity, does not deprive man of a body, or of faculties. It could not do this if it would, but it does insist that substance, man's individuality, and his faculties are spiritual endowments, not material organization. There is ample warrant for this teaching in the Bible, and it is obscure only to a consciousness which is wedded to materialism. All through her writings Mrs. Eddy recognizes the phenomena in human existence called sin, disease, pain, and death. She says that these are not procured or brought about by any law of God ; that God, being of "too pure eyes to behold evil," could not create or permit evil. Therefore, she could only conclude that these phenomena, which seem so real to the mortal man, have only a fabulous existence from the divine standpoint, although, when viewed from the standpoint of the believer in matter, they are solid, real, and dreadful. . . .

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June 13, 1908

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