Seventeen million acres of forest lands have been added to the forest reserves of the United States by proclamations issued by President Roosevelt, made public a few days ago.
decision as to whether or not Christian Science is true does not rest with the opinions of men, however eminent in their own line some of them may be; and those who attack it or its believers from no better motive, or upon no more reliable basis than their difference of opinion, have no reasonable justification or defense.
I think one is too much inclined to look at the life of Jesus as though it had all been comprised in the three glorious years of his public ministry.
a wonderful difference there is between God's way as taught in Christian Science and mortal man's way, which is really no way, although we are sometimes deceived into thinking it is.
Far from confusing "the creator with His creation," Christian Science throws more light on the nature of God, the nature of His creation, and their mutual relations, than has ever been afforded by any previous attempt to explain them.
the past two weeks Christian Scientists have been much discussed by the newspapers, and we are glad to see that they have refrained from taking part in the exploitations of sensational journalism which so largely assume to forestall or even supplant our judicial system.
a devious path, and after many a stumbling, David reached a consciousness of Truth, a sense of the presence and availability of the divine Life which accounts for his reputation as "a man after God's own heart.
is well known that the most thoughtful and conscientious physicians refuse to discuss their patients' diseases with them, sometimes greatly to the annoyance of the latter, who naturally feel that they ought to know all there is to be known about themselves.
Bills number 722 and 997, introduced by petition in the Massachusetts Legislature at the present session, have been adversely reported by the Committee on Public Health, and as the report has been concurred in by the Legislature the bills are now finally disposed of.
with contributions from Harriet R. White, M. E. Winslow, S. J. Hanna, Thomas W. Hatten, Laura Lathrop, Carrie Young, George H. Kinter, Elizabeth L. Kinter, Harriet L. Sliney, Clarence H. Stockwell, Cora Bowler Malone
In the spring of 1893, while studying for the ministry, Science and Health was placed in my hands, and the truth contained therein at once became to me the pearl of great price.
There is no doubt that by far the greater number come to Christian Science by the way of physical healing, but there are those to whom this does not particularly appeal.
My case of healing is somewhat exceptional, and I write of it hoping to benefit some who are hungering and thirsting for Truth, as I was, and to point them to the way by which I was led from darkness into the marvelous light of Christian Science.
It is a little over three years since Christian Science made its effective appeal to me, through my reading in the Sentinel of the rapid recovery of a very dear friend, from a fall.
Through the healing of my mother I became interested in Christian Science, and while reading Science and Health I was healed of several ailments, one being a trouble for which the doctors had said the only remedy was an operation.
Love-light breaks!Across the deep of sin's black nightI see the priceless pearl of lightGleam tenderly with hope's soft ray—The far-off promise of the day.
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with contributions from Harriet R. White, M. E. Winslow, S. J. Hanna, Thomas W. Hatten, Laura Lathrop, Carrie Young, George H. Kinter, Elizabeth L. Kinter, Harriet L. Sliney, Clarence H. Stockwell, Cora Bowler Malone