Six years ago I was taken with a severe cough, went to...

Six years ago I was taken with a severe cough, went to a medical doctor for help, took his medicine and went to see him every few days for about two months, but got worse all the time. When I could go no longer, then the doctor came to see me every few days. I could scarcely eat, coughed nearly all the time, and was almost exhausted. After about six weeks I seemed better and went to work again, out of money and in debt to the doctor. I had been cautioned by him to be careful, for he said if the trouble came back it would be worse than before. I was careful, but the next fall the symptoms appeared; so I went to the doctor at once, but the medicine did me no good, though I continued taking it until the following January, when I had to give up work. I then went to another doctor, but continued to get worse, and feared that I should die and leave my family without means.

A friend had told me of his healing through Christian Science, so I inquired about a practitioner. After telling her of my troubles, I was given some Christian Science literature, and told that I could go to work in a very short time. I went back, took treatment, quit taking medicine, and went to work in six days from the first treatment. I am now well and strong and have no fear of disease.

There are seven in the family and we have had many troubles to overcome, but Christian Science has been our only healer, and we are very grateful not only for the physical healing, which been great, but for the spiritual uplift, which is beyond estimate.

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Testimony of Healing
Twenty-two years ago, while playing, I slipped, fell, and...
July 28, 1906

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