In accordance with the act granting authority to the Secretary of War to regulate the water of Niagara River for the preservation of Niagara Falls, Secretary Taft has announced that temporary permits will be granted power companies to take the following amounts of water: Niagara Falls Power Company, 8,600 cubic feet a second; Niagara Power Company, 4,000 cubic feet a second; Lockport Hydraulic Company, 500 cubic feet from the Erie Canal and 333 cubic feet from the lower level of the same canal at Lockport.
professing Christian is supposed to have faith in God, but unless this faith be living and active, unless it be accompanied by works, it may ignore the healing power of divine Mind and pay homage to an inanimate drug.
this time of the year large parties of tourists leave America to visit the Holy Land, that little country which for centuries has been the focus of human interest.
The first fact which startles the British insular intelligence respecting Christian Science in America, is the general tolerance that obtains towards it here.
The picture of The Mother Church and its Extension which The Christian Science Publishing Society now has for sale is a half-tone reproduction, 12 x 15 inches in size, of a view giving the St.
A critic insinuates that Christian Science cures only imaginary trouble, or hypochondria, but neglects to add to his assertion that the same troubles which are healed by Christian Science had been treated for years by reputable physicians who had diagnosed them as being “real” and had been doctoring them with “real” medicine.
A Christian Scientist in praying for the sick prays not in order that God may change, for God is unchanging, but that the patient's thought may be lifted to know the reality of divine Love which is the real substance of the universe.
The dedication of the magnificent Christian Science church in Boston has brought that cheerful and prosperous body of believers before the press gallery of commentators.
George Hobart
with contributions from Board of Trustees and Directors
[We are very glad to give space to the following letter received from a member of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Liverpool, England, who attended the recent Communion and dedication service in Boston.
preparing the contents of this issue of the Sentinel we have been especially impressed by the testimony of several persons who were healed solely through the study of our text-book, and while many such testimonies have been published heretofore, we recall none that has impressed us more profoundly than that of Edith Lamar Burch, which will be found on page 766.
of the most remarkable lessons given by the great Teacher was that in which he told his disciples that they should be ready to forgive a brother even though he repeated the trespass seven times in a day, the only condition imposed being repentance on the part of the offender.
For three years I was a physical wreck—a martyr to sick-headaches and stomach troubles in their most acute forms, also nervousness, and in fact ills of every kind.
Six years ago I was taken with a severe cough, went to a medical doctor for help, took his medicine and went to see him every few days for about two months, but got worse all the time.
Six years ago I came into Christian Science through the healing of a daughter who had for years been troubled with constipation, from which she has been entirely freed through Christian Science.
Since I became interested in Christian Science, about eight or nine years ago, when I was healed through the understanding of my son, I have had many wonderful proofs of the power of Truth.
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