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Promises of Good
At a time when the question of national existence, with all it implies is a prominent theme throughout this country, Christian Scientists may well ask themselves to what extent they as individuals are contributing to the general weal. No one denies that right is the fundamental idea of all government, or that "righteousness exalteth a nation;" the all-important consideration is, how righteousness may be most speedily and surely attained and permanently established. The belief that wrong has even a temporary claim to consideration—or toleration—is fast dying out, and this proves the recognition of a higher standard than has been held in the past. The present outlook may be either cheering or discouraging, according to the viewpoint. If we are tempted to think that evil abounds, we should remember the great Teacher's statement that the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, must "reprove [convict, Rev. Ver.] the world of sin," before He can guide "into all truth;" in other words, sin must be seen to be "exceeding sinful," as St. Paul says, before men will turn from it with loathing.
To the human sense it is not easy to associate the thought of "the Comforter" with the uncovering of evil, but without this uncovering there can be no true comfort, no abiding peace, and on this point the teaching of Christian Science is most emphatic. Our Leader says, "Nothing short of this divine Principle, understood and demonstrated, can . . . uncover the myriad illusions of sin, sickness, and death" (Science and Health, p. 572). We may therefore rejoice when evils which would sap the very foundations of national existence (whether manifested as personal or political corruption) are being brought to the light to be forever wiped out by the action of divine Truth and Love. Let no one question that the divine arm is made bare when evil is exposed. Error does not destroy error; it requires the majesty and might of Truth to do that. What is more, it requires the human recognition and understanding of Truth to effect the destruction of error, and to this age has come a revelation of Truth's power, greater than has ever been known before. It has come where the foundations of free government we truly laid. It has come when the world is weary of wrong and would fain throw off its yoke. Because it has come, all thinking people are beginning to see the cruel tyranny of material sense, and to admit that the remedy for it must be found in greater spirituality. The lust for material pleasure and possession can never be sated by its indulgence, which is ever attended by disappointment and followed by misery.
Well is it that we may seek comfort for this misery in the knowledge that evil in its over manifestation—whether sin or sickness—is unreal because it is not of God. But this is not all that Christian Science has to offer for the world's need. It proves that good in its every manifestation is divinely real and satisfying, and this is the experience of the thousands who walk in the light of Truth and know what it means to be "rich toward God."
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July 7, 1906 issue
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Items of Interest
with contributions from Theodore Roosevelt, Mutsuhito
An Appreciative Letter to Mrs. Eddy
James J. Rome
A Divine Demand
Right Doing and Its Reward
E. E. S.
The Christian Science Text-book
E. M. B.
Christian Science treats of infinite truth, the emanation...
R. Stanhope Easterday
The noblest possession of the English people is the...
Frederick Dixon
A careful study of Christian Science will reveal the fact...
H. Cornell Wilson
The Lectures
with contributions from James Bingham, Charles E. Finlay
Personal Contagion
Our Leader's Article
Archibald McLellan
Christian Science and Progressive Physicians
John B. Willis
Promises of Good
Annie M. Knott
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Lewis Prescott, Charles, Marguerite Vouga, Hattie E. Jones
Over two years ago I turned to Christian Science because...
L. C. McMullen
It is now over a year since I heard of Christian Science...
Helen M. Inman
The most important events of my life I consider to be...
Omar T. Frick
I had all my life been frail and delicate, and with the...
Florence B. Dean
Christian Science has done so much for me during the...
Horace W. Hebbard
It is only a few months since I began the study of Christian Science...
Ruby D. Graves with contributions from J. Kell
I was badly poisoned last summer from eating what...
Leah V. Record
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
M. L. Rauskolb
The clergy of all men ought to make it their one strenuous...
John George Goddard
From our Exchanges
with contributions from Rush Rhees, Charles S. Macfarland